In fact, that is probably the most normal response.
"Changing" is just the most normal state in the world.
Tell them this is what most normal people Speech Speed!
It's a method speed readers can use that most normal readers don't.
Pile jetty is one of the most normal structure of harbor engineering.
基 码头是港口工程中最常用的码头结构形式之一,应用极其广泛。
Tell them that these are the Chinese to talk the most normal language soon!
If you get to that point, you should be able to withstand most normal traffic.
Although XM is not as fast as it could be, it's fast enough for most normal operations.
Being nervous about starting college is probably the most normal thing you can do.
Think about it until feeling like this, feels like the most normal thing in the world to you.
The symptoms of nervous system diseases are a part of everyday experience for most normal people.
For most normal mental person, the decisions made no large rightly or wrongly, no matter how choice, are can try.
The point of the most normal pressure was analyzed in the contact points between the adjustable ring and the planet cone.
From my own tests, I can submit that, yes, holding the phone in the most normal of fashions is likely to have some effect on signal.
There is a high expression of telomerase activity in malignant tumors, but a low expression in most normal tissues and benign tumors.
The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers.
It stems in part from an age-centered perspective, in which we view our own age as the most normal of times, the way all life should be.
It has been estimated that only about 0.1 percent of your dietary Lysine is converted to Carnitine in the body, in most normal situations.
In China, most normal colleges and universities have employed microteaching in their teaching methodology, but not in the non-normal ones.
This show the system can work well under most normal and informal situations. The stability and reliability of control system is highly improved.
But for most normal applications, like if you're doing biology, where the temperature changes by a few degrees, like today I have a little bit of a cold.
However, we suggest that only one or few image indexes should be used as screen index to quickly screen out most normal parts to reduce processing time.
Using data from crop trials risks exaggerating the problem, because the plants in such trials are usually well fertilised-unlike most normal maize planted in Africa.
The approaching construction for two neighboring parallel tunnels in the numerous underground projects is the most normal and basic type in the development of underground space in city.
Sure, you can be angry at getting splashed with mud, stepping in dog poop, or inadvertently throwing a red towel in with the white laundry. In fact, that is probably the most normal response.
Most normal people would take a kinder view of Frances's failings: she intended to give the candy to Gloria but when it was actually in her hands, the temptation to eat it herself became overwhelming.
We all know that most wine in restaurants is over-priced: a markup of 200 percent on cost is considered normal.