What's the personal bank settlement account?
什么是个人银行结算 …
What is the personal bank settlement account?
Why is personal bank settlement account set up separately?
Separate settlement account of the entity has been opened in the bank;
No Renminbi COINS are accepted for deposit into any Renminbi Trade Settlement Account.
You should open a deposit and settlement account with us and have a good settlement records.
A settlement account opened by the depositor in the name of an entity is an entity settlement account.
But it should be conducted within 7 working days, and be subject to the foreign exchange settlement account balance limit.
The reserved seal shall be in two counterparts, of which the name shall be same as that of the bank settlement account of Party B.
Have opened personal settlement account in ICBC and agree that bank can deduct the principal and interest of loan from the specified personal settlement account.
The term "participant" refers to a bank which has joined the foreign currency payment system and opened a foreign currency settlement account at a settling bank.
A settlement account opened by the depositor on the strength of the individual identity card and in the name of a natural person shall be an individual settlement account.
The futures company and its clients shall transfer, deposit and withdraw margins by means of the archived futures margin account and registered futures settlement account.
The term "foreign currency settlement account" refers to an inter-bank foreign currency deposit account opened by a participant in a settling bank for foreign currency settlement.
The bank account business, including the opening of and modifications to individuals' savings accounts, individuals' bank settlement accounts and entities' bank settlement accounts.
The term "foreign currency settlement account" refers to an inter-bank foreign currency savings account which is opened at a settlement agent for the settlement of foreign currencies.
Article 72 Clients shall register with the futures company with respect to the futures settlement account they open in their own name for the margin deposition and withdrawal purpose.
Ah..., first, you should sign the Corporate agreement savings Contract with our bank, and then our bank will open an account of agreement savings on the basis of your settlement account.
We would appreciate a prompt settlement of this account.
They account for well over half of the non-European total, and there are worries about both the dodgy colleges some attend and their seamless segue into the workforce and eventual settlement.
There are units through the external unit or individual lending account transfer settlement and collection of benefits.
Enterprise bank deposit account can only be used to handle this unit production and business activities of the settlement, may not be leased or lent account.
Open account strictly in the light of stipulations on Modes of Payment and settlement and ensure normal operation of settlement affairs by adhering to settlement discipline of bank.
Individuals and foreign nationals in China shall not open exchange account for settlement in general case.
I enclose a check in settlement of your account.