Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart.
You cannot buy class, as the old saying goes, and these upstart entrepreneurs cannot buy their prizes the prestige of the Nobels.
Not bad for an upstart.
To learn more about upstart, see Resources.
想要了解更多关于 upstart 的信息,见 参考资料。
Upstart also handles hot-plugging devices well.
In each case it is difficult for an upstart to break in.
So why are the polls saying the upstart might replace him?
Listing 3. Simplified upstart script for the sysvinit rc 2 script.
清单3 . sysvinit rc 2脚本的简化upstart脚本。
That meant less capital was available to lend to upstart firms.
But within AIG, an upstart entrepreneurial subsidiary was booming.
It still has to keep an eye on upstart man-made fibres, such as polyester.
If Apple wins against HTC, that would be bad news for upstart handset firms.
The Ubuntu upstart system is an event-based approach for init system replacement.
Ubuntu upstart 系统是替代 init 系统的一个基于事件的方法。
From 250 million to 200 million years ago, dinosaurs were just upstart lizards.
5 - 2亿年前,恐龙还仅仅是刚刚出现的蜥蜴类动物。
All this brave talk might seem easy to dismiss as the swagger of an arrogant upstart.
Upstart is an interesting replacement for init and has some distinct advantages over it.
Upstart 是 init 的一个有趣的替代程序,并且具有一些独特的优点。
Listing 11 shows how to use initctl to obtain a list of upstart jobs on a Fedora 13 system.
清单11显示了如何使用initctl来获取Fedora 13系统上的一个upstart作业列表。
Upstart also has the initctl command to allow interaction with the upstart init daemon.
Upstart 也使用 initctl 命令来支持与 upstart init 守护进程的交互。
It's just your average day at Threshold Digital Research Labs, an upstart Hollywood Studio.
As you saw above, you can use initctl with the emit option to generate an event to upstart.
Upstart maintains its own init process that starts on system start (as for all other approaches).
The two options this article explores -- initng and upstart -- are not the only two games in town.
本文中介绍的这两种方法 —— initng 和 upstart —— 并不是只有这两种程序可以替代 init。
Upstart requires that you update the initialization scripts to support the event-based mode of operation.
The upstart now signs up nearly a third of new clients, and after years of losses it is finally profitable.
The model of the diversified mining giant was Rio’s but its upstart competitor beat it at its own game.
Much of this draws on the upstart science of happiness, which mixes psychology with economics (see article).
But the advantages that upstart provides certainly outweigh the risks and additional work that may be necessary.
Another option to replace init, upstart takes a somewhat different approach to what you just saw with initng.
The initctl utility offers functionality similar to telinit but with some additional features specific to upstart.