Rehabilitation following sports injury requires specific exercises and training to return the athlete to their prior level of competition.
The AIA professional qualification is examined on three levels, each of which builds on the prior level and allows students to complete the qualification in smaller, achievable phases.
Could it be that Oscar simply smelled an elevated level of a chemical compound released prior to death?
When the deployment manager is migrated to Version 6, the nodes in the cell remain unchanged at whatever release level they supported prior to the deployment manager upgrade.
This implies that, prior to making a decision to invest in a solution, they need to reach a certain level of trust that IBM is going to help them achieve the expected results.
This layer negotiates the required level of security between a CORBA client and a server prior to allowing communications.
在通信之前,该层在 CORBA 客户机和服务器之间协商需要的安全级别。
Once the deployment manager has been upgraded to Version 7, all the nodes in the cell can stay unchanged at whatever release level they supported prior to the deployment manager upgrade.
将部署管理器升级到Version 7以后,单元中的所有节点都可以保持不变,仍处于升级部署管理器之前它们所支持的任何版本级别。
While the migration tool will catch compatibility level issues, it is highly recommend that databases be fully upgraded to level 100 prior to using the tool.
Prior to version 2.0, patterns mapped to a specific virtual image at the pattern level.
Used by infrastructure runtimes to provide conformance checking prior to handoff to upper-level service business logic.
All such regions of the form remained at the genetic encoding level that it had ascended to prior to the intermixing of grid work between kingdoms.
They found that prior to Alphablox, all analysis of branch information was done at the corporate level.
It USES auto_increment primary key, which causes table-level locks in InnoDB for all MySQL versions prior to 5.1.21.
使用了auto_increment主键,对于MySQL 5.1.21之前的版本都会导致in noDB使用表级锁。
In addition, certain OS-level packages and generic utilities (like bash, GNU tar, Perl, etc.) are also required prior to installation.
另外,在安装之前还需要一些操作系统级别的包与通用实用工具(比如bash、GNU tar、Perl等)。
The container always establishes a LTC scope if an application executes outside a global transaction, unless Web components or BMT enterprise beans are at a level prior to J2EE 1.3.
如果应用程序在全局事务外执行,那么容器始终会建立LTC范围,除非Web组件或BMT企业Bean是J2EE 1.3以前的标准。
Prior to the 5300-05 Technology Level released in August, 2006 SUMA used the previous terminology of ML instead of TL.
在2006年8月发布5300 - 05技术级别之前,SUMA使用了以前的术语ML,而不是TL。
Prior to the 5300-05 Technology Level release in August 2006, JFS2 treated them like all other commits.
在5300 - 05 Technology Level(于2006年8月发布)之前,JFS2按照与其他提交相同的方式对待它们。
CAPT: All level alarms should be tested prior to loading.
Ovulation rate is the principle factor limiting litter size in gilts and increasing the level of feed intake prior to mating will significantly increase ovulation rate.
In the tracking and thinning of seismogram the prior knowledge of seismogram is used effectively for improving the intelligent level of automatic extraction of seismogram.
The author presents that more active, prior detection and prevention should be made to control a reasonable and acceptable level of gas pipeline risk.
Second, this new framework introduces a high efficiency shape and anatomy prior constraints model. The experiments on the cardiac MR images show the Diffusion Level Set can get nice result.
Prior to installation of the hydraulic station, firstly level the foundation, and dig the embedded pits for the foundation bolts.
No emergent need to start NAC in presumed acetaminophen overdose patients prior to obtaining APAP level.
在怀疑过量使用乙酰氨基酚的患者获知其APAP水平前,并没有非常迫切开始使用NAC 的需要。
At a patient care level, one needs to consider that for a patient at a high risk of fracture or prior knowledge of that possibility, great caution should be taken in using a TZD medication.
Learners with a medium level of prior knowledge and with high levels of prior knowledge have more supportive from directive help and non-directive help than learners with low level of prior knowledge.
A one-week EMS lead auditor course will not be sufficient to impart this level of knowledge and understanding for someone without any prior environmental exposure.