1 词典释义:
close fit
时间: 2024-11-17 18:38:39


  • Note also the extremely close fit of the parts.


  • The Arthurian romances would seem a pretty close fit.


  • Highly close fit makes ceramic mantle and stainless steel sleeve firmly integrated.


  • Hopefully, among the various scenarios you'll recognize one as being a close fit with your infrastructure and your organizational needs.


  • Once you find a close fit, you start configuring this process (as depicted in Figure 7) by selecting or deselecting what we call "method packages."


  • That is, a call to dispatch (foo, bar) might be a close fit with a defined rule (foo, bar) — but it might also be a loose (rather than non -) fit with (FooParent, BarParent).

    也就是说,dispatch (foo, bar)调用可能是采用已定义规则(foo, bar)的较合适的分派,但是也可能与(FooParent, BarParent)规则松散(并不是不)配合。

  • Of course, there is no one-to-one correspondence between the two phenomena? In human affairs there never is such a close fit? But there is nevertheless a strong and comprehensible correspondence.


  • Of course, there is no one-to-one correspondence between the two phenomena-in human affairs there never is such a close fit-but there is nevertheless a strong and comprehensible correspondence.


  • When it finally sat still out in the open for a brief period, I discovered that I was too close and I could not fit the entire squirrel in the camera’s viewfinder.

    拍照者称,这只松鼠是她当时看到的松鼠一家中最肥的,等到它停下来,离得足够近可以拍了,却发现它肥得连取景框都装不下了。 这名游客只好后退,才把它全部拍下来:“最后它终于直视我了,我赶紧抓住机会按下快门。”

  • When it finally sat still out in the open for a brief period, I discovered that I was too close and I could not fit the entire squirrel in the camera's viewfinder.

    拍照者称,这只松鼠是她当时看到的松鼠一家中最肥的,等到它停下来,离得足够近可以拍了,却发现它肥得连取景框都装不下了。 这名游客只好后退,才把它全部拍下来:“最后它终于直视我了,我赶紧抓住机会按下快门。”

  • Milk is especially sensitive to temperature changes, so put it on a shelf as close to the bottom as it will fit.


  • The dog was a gift from close family friend Senator Edward Kennedy. He said the breed would be a " perfect fit for the Obama family", as the dogs have a " can-do and hopeful spirit".


  • Though the fit between the data and the prediction is not perfect (an example is illustrated right), the match is close enough that Dr Johnson thinks he is onto something.


  • The best fit is when A is -0.0037324 (very close to flat slope), and B is 10.2511014.

    当 A 为 -0.0037324 (非常平坦),B 为 10.2511014 时得到最佳匹配。

  • In a fit of laughter my friend recounts a story his friend witnessed in four consecutive days because he lives close to the infamous wall.


  • Dimensions given close tolerances mean that the part must fit properly with some other part.


  • My hobby is (through) mountain climbing to keep fit and to be close to nature.


  • Thus, it's extremely worthwhile to take a close look at both the auxiliary and tertiary processes to match how well they truly fit and match your real-life experience.


  • I think Alex is very close to recovery. Not for Copenhagen, but we hope for the next game in the Champions League he will be fit.


  • It's OK to complain to close confidants; although wallowing may wear out even the best listeners. Fellow party guests, however, don't fit this category.


  • Close isn't really good enough. A perfect fit is what counts.


  • Close wide belt tight side: the state can quickly adjust to fit, wearing more comfortable, more personal, more convenient.


  • Sufficient space was allotted for recipient sets, but, in the first model, the wire racks were so close together that the larger type of blood bottle did not fit between the separators.


  • It fit to use by the customers whose pupil colour close yellow.


  • Then I saw him in close-up , on the TV screen, and had another fit of my mysterious shivers.


  • And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don't fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious.


  • Furniture pieces made to fit close together.


  • Best-fit mapping enables the interop marshaler to select a close-matching character when no exact match exists.


  • It fit to use by the customers whose pupil colour close dark.


  • Even when you are looking for them, some color-changers fit into their context so well you would never even see them at close range.
