But note that, as an object of Feng Shui rockery is best to open light, or put a spell on it.
When I met you on the road to Hay last night, I almost thought you had put a spell on my horse!
The defenders put a spell on the town 's defensive towers, transferring to them the battle rage of the besieged.
'Jane Eyre, is it you and your magic?' he asked. 'Have you put a spell on me again? Did you intend to drown me this time?'
Thee wizard pulled out his wand and put a spell on Thomas' house that would not go away until Thomas stopped wasting his garbage.
The witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog.
Water rationing during the dry spell put a damper on activities from dish-intensive dinner parties to car washes and bubble baths.
A monkey's paw with a spell put on it by an old fakir can grant three wishes for a person.
A hex is believed to be an evil spell that is put on someone.
You despised me. I'm going to put a lifelong spell on your child.
Put on record today passed, believe to won't surpass a week, network of machine of cold broken bits can return before 3 pages in Baidu, all spell a domain name completely because of hers.