There is a lot about your work in the prequels that we can't talk about yet.
She has appeared in each film of the prequels, sometimes under a pseudonym of "Jenna Green."
Like a big corporate CEO, in the prequels, the rich and successful George Lucas controlled every detail.
This movie and its two prequels, combined as a trilogy, was voted the best movie of all time in a 2005 Australian movie Poll.
Film makers2 everywhere began to jump on the bandwagon of making sequels or prequels by extending the story of a successful film.
Had Anakin been nothing but evil to begin with, then there's no need for the prequels at all because there would have been no story to tell.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow is a series for young readers of nine to twelve years written by Rob Kidd. The series are prequels to the Pirates of the Caribbean films.
在线阅读本书 迪斯尼著名电影“加勒比海盗”系列,改编自罗布。基德的系列小说《加勒比海盗:杰克·斯派洛传奇》。