The rotation speed of crank and air flow speed are the main factors.
Tell me the oil temperature, oil pressure and rotation speed at present?
The spiral horn of sheave and rotation speed had influence on sowing performance.
That are the amplitude changes of rotation speed frequency, and initial phase angle.
You can base this prediction function on the speed of the object, steering or rotation speed.
When the disk rotation speed increases the stability of magnetic head is slightly worsened.
When the disk rotation speed increases, the stability of magnetic head is slightly worsened.
This paper introduces a time fuse based on rotation speed sensor which can modify time by itself.
The rotation speed can be changed according to the practical needs to meet the best separation effect.
This allows the fan to have variable rotation speed with respect to the thermal status of the computer.
The relationship between temperature of Northeast China in summer and the earth rotation speed is studied.
This paper presents a state space model based on spindle rotation speed for thermal errors of machine tool.
Test results indicated that the ceramic throwing machine with rotation speed thus adjusted had good performance.
The gear wheel is used to complete the rotation speed of the upper and lower rollers, but the rotation direction is opposite.
In addition, the rotation feedback control is added to keep the practical rotation speed at setting value when FPC stands by.
Rotation speed control of marine diesel engine generator is built by the combination of neural network and PID control system.
The experiment shows that the tachometer has a good performance of measuring low rotation speed as well as high rotation speed.
The theory and method of the rotor position detection and rotation speed based on absolute photoelectric encoder are introduced.
The closed loop control strategy by model tracking2-freedom rotation speed and the sight-based velocity estimation method are introduced.
The filter used a kind of general structure, whose central frequency located nearby the rotation speed to reduce the unbalance vibration.
The influence of milling condition, such as atmosphere and rotation speed of milling on the structure variation has also been investigated.
To convert measurements of the Milky Way's rotation speed to mass, astronomers must rely on models of how dark matter is distributed in the galaxy.
Because bearing stiffness have an effect on interface rotation speed, so the original only introduced computational method of bearing stiffness.
Through experiment, it have realized digital and curve display of motor rotation speed, application program and experiment result has been given.
In order to satisfy the requirement of high accuracy rotation speed measurement in moving systems, the concept of virtual coder has been put forward.
Effects of rotation speed on the impact process and results are pointed out by the analysis of structural plastic dynamic response and blade deformation.
The variation principles of the throw distance, flow rate and rotation speed of variable-rate sprinklers for precision irrigation on square area were given.
The results showed that the imposed vibration may increase effectively the bubble nucleation rate, which was better than that via increasing rotation speed.
Providers rotation torque to 17,500 ft-lbs (23,727 Nm) with variable rotation speed to 180 RPM for exceptional horizontal and direction drilling performance.
最高转矩17,500 英尺·磅(23,727 牛顿·米),可变转速最高180 转/分,带来无与伦比的水平钻井与定向钻井性能。