Have you received any offers sofar?
More than 30m have been sold sofar, 5 .2m in the quarter ending in June.
到目前为止, 卖出3000多万部,在截至6月末当季度的卖出520万部.
The second puzzle is why anyone would cut prices sofar as to make a loss.
Nitrobenzene is one of the toxic compounds. Much work had focused on biodegradation of it sofar.
Sofar it looks nice in plaster, and we look forward to see how real it will be in aluminium. That blue plaster stuff is amazing.
Many other violent earthquakes sofar occurred in China, similar to the Haicheng earthquake, also had precursory earthquake swarms.
Sofar it has been interesting seeing all these players take on enemies that observe them and change their own behavior in order to survive.
Sofar things have gone well. There hasn't been much wind during the day, and I've been getting a few hours of 15 -20 kt winds in the afternoon.
应该说,到目前为止一切都还算顺利,今天海上并没有多少风力可以借助,下午有几个小时的风速为15-20kt (1 kt = 0.514444444 m /s,8.0-10.7m/s就算劲风了,5级吧)。
The only consolation for the Irish is that, sofar at least, they have managed to hang on to the principle that they can maintain their trademark low 12.5% corporate-tax rate.
Because of the coupling between surface channel and SOFAR channel, sound propagation in two, axis underwater channel is complex and calculation of acoustic fields is difficult.