Oh, you in trouble, dum-dum.
Dum major with my high school band.
Seven Swans-a-Swimming, Six Geese-a-Laying, Five Gold Rings, Bah-dum-bum-bum.
Finally I was. Listen, if you don't take this you're so dum, you'd better buy me out.
Beth Harte @BethHarte – Community Manager for MarketingProfs is a position Beth takes to heart (ba dum bump).
贝丝·哈特(Beth Harte)@BethHarte——营销专家(MarketingProfs)公司社区经理的位置让贝丝全身心地投入(ba dum bump)。
Sheridan dead tried to attack Z "Ha" Dum. No one who goes there can back alive. They will destroy us all.
Wells walked out, sucking on a Dum Dum lollipop he grabbed from the counter, hopped into his car, and drove off.
威尔士口里含着一根在柜台上拿的Dum Dum棒棒糖,出了门,开车走了。
And Jennifer Warnes' velvety smooth "doo dum dum" backing chorus is a charming highlight of the super closer "Tower of Song." rm.
詹妮弗·华纳斯醇和圆润的背景合音“doo dum dum”是超级结尾曲“歌之塔”的一个迷人的亮点。
As the last part pf this thesis, the acutely dissociation and shortly culture of dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neuron from the cockroach Periplaneta Americana were primarily studied.