Why aren't you using STL or ATL yet?
Adds ATL support to the new project.
向新项目中添加at L支持。
Marry Yin haste and repent atl Eisure.
Sets the abbreviated name for the ATL dialog object.
设置AT L对话框对象的缩写名称。
In this series, I will first introduce the ATL windowing classes.
在这个系列,我将首先介绍AT L的窗体类。
See Adding a New Interface in an ATL Project for more information.
有关更多信息,请参见在AT L项目中添加新接口。
How to properly convert and use native COM types in a ATL-based server?
如何正确地转换和一个基于AT L COM服务器使用原生类型?
You can do this by following the instructions in Adding ATL Support to Your MFC Project.
可以遵循向MF C项目添加at L支持中的说明来完成此操作。
The ATL OLE DB Consumer Wizard lets you specify whether you want a command or table object.
ATL OLE DB 使用者向导使您可以指定是否需要命令或表对象。
Discusses how to compile existing MFC and ATL programs to target the Common Language Runtime.
讨论如何编译现有的mfc和at L程序,以面向公共语言运行时。
See Application Settings, ATL Project Wizard and Basic Mechanics of Attributes for more information.
如需详细资讯,请参阅AT L专案精灵、应用程序设定和属性的基本机制。
See Implementing an Interface and Adding Objects and Controls to an ATL Project for more information.
If you want to add an ATL object to an MFC project, you must add ATL support to the existing project.
如果要向MF C项目中添加atl对象,必须先为现有的项目添加at L支持。
Regression to mean, however, implies that such speedy catch-up is impossible, or atl east very difficult.
WTL is implemented using the same template architecture as ATL, so it is a natural fit for ATL developers.
WTL的实现使用了和AT L一样的模板架构,所以对于AT L开发者显得很自然。
You can use one of the ATL code wizards to add an object or a control to your ATL - or MFC-based projects.
可以使用某个AT L代码向导将对象或者控件添加到基于AT L或MFC的项目。
Script recording will be generic, in that object recognition will be as ATL or HTML objects, not as Siebel objects.
脚本记录将会产生,这样的话对象将作为 ATL 或者 HTML 对象被识别,而不是 Siebel 对象。
If you are adding an object to an attributed ATL project, this option is selected and not available to change.
如果您正将物件加入至属性化的AT L专案,则会选取这个选项,而且无法变更。
I'm learning WTL and ATL, since you are the author of WTL and a member of ATL group, can you give me some advice?
我现在正在学习WTL以及AT L,既然您是WTL的作者,同时又是AT L开发小组中的一员,您能不能给我一些建议呢?
The development of OPC DA server based on ATL and its application in beer automation system are amply introduced.
详细介绍了基于ATL模板库的OPC DA服务器的开发及其在啤酒生产过程自动化控制系统中的应用。
Solution Explorer or Class View, right-click the name of the project to which you want to add the ATL simple object.
“解决方案资源管理器”或类视图中,右击要向其添加at L简单对象的项目的名称。
This is the softest stretch in the season, if you can't win against ATL and MEM at home, you might as well go to Iraq.
So, WTL was created as a part of ATL that would extend ATL to support any kind of UI related component or application.
于是,作为ATL的一部分, WTL 被开发出来了。它将ATL进行了扩展,以使得它可以支持各种类型的与UI相关的组件或者应用程序。
So, WTL was created as a part of ATL that would extend ATL to support any kind of UI related component or application.
于是,作为AT L的一部分,WTL被开发出来了。它将AT L进行了扩展,以使得它可以支持各种类型的与UI相关的组件或者应用程序。
More and more developers started using ATL, and it was natural for them to start using WTL when they needed more UI support.
A new ATL analysis method based on game logic was inducted, and it can model and analyze Multi-electronic commerce protocol.
引入一种新的基于博弈逻辑的AT L分析方法,能够对日益复杂的多方电子商务协议进行建模与分析。
Another reason for choosing ATL is that it already provides a default and good enough implementation of the IObjectWithSite interface.
我们选择atl的另外一个原因是因为它已经提供了缺省的而且提供了IObject WithSite接口的足够好的实现。
Chi's team says inhibiting activity in the left ATL reduces the confusing influence of context, cutting down on visual memory errors.
The team has already shown that low-frequency magnetic pulses can inhibit false memories, also by temporarily inhibiting the left ATL.