JTS, it's fun to dream!
JTS also adds recovery after server failure, of course.
JTS is able to determine if only a single resource manager is enlisted in a transaction.
This is not because JTS is an unimportant or optional portion of J2EE — quite the opposite.
In most cases, however, you have to look beyond JTA and JTS when trying to move between transactional models, which is where Web services come in.
The obscurity of JTS is in some sense due to its own success: because it hides the details of transaction management so effectively, we don't hear or say very much about it.
在某种意义上,JTS 的默默无闻恰恰是它的成功:因为它非常有效地隐藏了事务管理的很多细节,因此,我们没有听说过或者谈论过很多关于它的内容。
Check and improve operation and management technics used for water treatment, technological process, use JTS-ZHN operational and management measure to achieve more better treated effect.
检查和改善当前用于水处理、工艺处理等领域的操作和管理技术,使用JTS - ZHN的操作和管理方法实现更好的处理效果。
Although it gets much less attention than EJB or other elements of J2EE, JTS is perhaps the most critical part of J2EE — transactions are what enable us to build reliable distributed applications.