In Japan, University of Tokyo researchers recently unveiled a kitchen "android" that could wash dishes, pour tea and make a few limited meals.
Valerian tea can be an effective sleep aid, but it can make your entire kitchen smell like dirty socks.
I was tempted to hang about the kitchen, where Tape-Glasses stood wedged in the corner, waiting for tea.
If the kitchen is tidy, tidy up the next room - it's only 3 minutes but it keeps you on top of everything (helps if you have an Englishman's obsession with Tea as well!)
Uzbek men like gathering together in a tea-house where they can either order pilaf from local cooks or make it themselves renting a place in the kitchen.
Wake up, have tea with my husband, make the bed, get the kids up, make breakfast and lunches, clean up the kitchen and start the laundry.
Proceeding into the otherwise empty courtyard, Fortune found fresh tea set to dry on large woven rattan plates, each the size of a kitchen table.
Professor Dai had invited Siyu into the flat, moved the papers that covered the dining table onto the piano bench, and let Siyu sit while she went to the kitchen to make tea.
Pope arrives home and walks into the kitchen to find his wife, Judy, pouring some iced tea.
Thus the main polygonal wall appeared: this 20-meter long curved surface goes through all the open-space zone: entrance hall, tea room, garden, kitchen & dining zone.
Having special additives, this product can rapidly clear the dirt of kitchen, fume machine, tea soak, carpets, shoes and vehicles.
Just the other day, I was having a cup of tea with a friend when I looked up and noticed a photograph of me on her kitchen bulletin board.
Your kitchen drain has become blocked by tea leaves.
In the communal kitchen, Kostya's mother served tea and condensed milk.
As he got to the kitchen, he saw his mother drinking a cup of tea.
Suitable for store and restaurant and kitchen to store ice-cream, drinks, meat cold food and fresh tea.
The sounds from the kitchen stopped and Josie appeared, wheeling a loaded tea cart .
There's (a pot of) tea brewing in the kitchen.
The kitchen staff wants to know 'do they like tea sandwiches automatically throughout the day or just on request?
Indoor bed, broadband, kitchen, take lampblack chance, 2 sofa, tea table, electric water heater, every contain air conditioning, furniture is all ready.
It is tea time. Mrs. Turner goes into the kitchen.
I had them both on their feet with the desperate suggestion that they help me make tea in the kitchen when the demoniac Finn brought it in on a tray.
It's got a kitchen table around which backpackers from all over the world sit and drink tea while sharing their stories.
The rest of the time, he would only set foot in the kitchen to make a cup of tea or to grab a beer from the fridge.
The grounds include a kitchen garden, and the music room and library open directly on to verandahs where afternoon tea is served.
Its owners may have gone to the kitchen to make a cup of tea or to the toilet.