She openly flaunted her affair with the senator.
《牛津词典》Until recently, the flag was rarely flaunted.
"I don't think beauty should be flaunted," she said.
The old man had just flaunted his considerable wealth.
The breeze flaunted in succession like a story with beautiful.
She flaunted the school rules by not wearing the proper uniform.
They flaunted themselves as of the elect group, but actually most of them are quacks.
It's really tough for him and his family to see their intimate problems flaunted everywhere.
We should know that opportunities always favor those who are good at only flaunted themselves.
He proudly flaunted the fruits of his Labour during the concert, showing off a well-toned torso.
You can't miss the rippling muscles on his forearms, and a buff body that he has flaunted often on screen.
Donating any amount counts as \\\"participation\\\", and higher participation rates are flaunted to other classes to stir their generosity.
无论捐多少都算“参与”了。 募捐者会用参与度较高的班来刺激其他班捐更多。
Not only was Johnson a black world champion more than 50 years before segregation was lifted, but he flaunted his success in a society which demanded that he be humble.
Public pyjama-wearing is said to have started decades ago when having two changes of clothes - one for night and one for day - was a sign of wealth and something to be flaunted.
The 19-year-old flaunted a present wrapped with rainbow ribbon, a pair of toe-socks in the bright rainbow colours and even an apron with 'Gay Icon' emblazoned across the front.
这位19岁的明星炫耀他得到的一系列彩虹主题的礼物,用彩虹丝带包装的礼物,一双彩虹色的五指袜,甚至一条彩虹色前面写着“Gay Icon”的围裙。
For the following paragraph, which should have inaugurated the narrative, is too wildly extravagant and preposterous to be flaunted in the face of the reader without preparation.
Marguerite could no longer live without me. Without worrying her head about the consequence, she flaunted our affair publicly, and I reached the point where I never left her house.
Flaunted their own game more than other people do not even green game addiction - Dance Mission, is how you would a pregnant with a female child born to give up the love of nature?
Even more insulting is the recent media trend of regarding at-home wives as "status symbols" - like an expensive car - flaunted by the supposedly few men who can afford such a luxury.
Not only was Queen Zhang Sun virtuous and respectable, but she was very knowledgeable too. However, she never flaunted her talent out of arrogance or improperly interfered with politics.