The individual item states are each given unique state identifiers.
You may also add tags to any feed or individual item via a HTTP post.
It doesn't require that any individual item fields be present in a feed.
Queries that end with the label(Single) return an individual item of data.
The first code example shows how to customize an individual item when the customization does not involve data.
The item-specific actions are available via long press on individual items, screen-specific actions via the menu key.
First and foremost, the two indices use different averaging formulae when calculating price changes for each individual item.
Please state terms of payment and discounts you would allow on purchases of quantities of over 100 dozens of individual item.
The message set feature (providing message modelling) of message Broker cannot specify a length smaller than a byte for any individual item of data.
message Broker的message set特性(提供消息模型化)无法为数据的任何单个项指定小于一个字节的长度。
The example in Listing 9 parses the shopping cart XML file and generates a bill with the individual item totals and the sum total for the purchase ( Listing 10).
清单 9 解析这个购物车 XML 文件并生成一个账单,该账单显示项目合计和采购总计(见 清单 10)。
Nonconforming items will be identified using 'Hold' label. If identification of each individual item is not practical, the container or package will be identified.
The item is expired — Individual items can have an expiration to allow them to be flushed from the cache when the information stored against the key is likely to be too old.
条目过期失效 — 各条目均有一个有效的期限以便针对此键存储的信息在过于陈旧时可从缓存中清除这些条目。
An individual content item on the web, without a package, has marginal value approaching zero -and attempting to charge for an individual item of content is unlikely to change that.
Instead of treating financial information as a block of text - as in a standard Internet page or a printed document - it provides an identifying tag for each individual item of data.
When you have a series of three or more items that normally would be separated by commas except that each individual item already has a comma in it, you use the semicolon between items.
Integrated work item Management automatically creates and tracks progress of individual work items in accordance with the team process and project rules that you define.
Old and new versions of a policy can be active at any given time and assured selection of the correct policy for an individual work item by any service.
The attributes to an item are optional, so you can omit them, as shown in Listing 7 with the individual list items.
If everyone brings something, there is more than enough food to go around and each individual is only responsible for the cost of the item they bring.
The revenue of each individual unshipped line item is calculated by the LineitemRevenue stage, and summed up to determine the pending revenue for each order.
接着通过LineitemRevenue stage计算每个未发货的行项目的收益,将它们相加求和,确定每个订单的未付款收益。
Individual choices are item children of the select1 element, as Listing 6 demonstrates.
The rss-summary function works almost as before, processing an individual feed for each of the items, but calling buildmergerow on each item.
rss - summary函数的工作方式差不多和之前一样,处理每个项的单个提要,但在每个项上调用buildmergerow 。
List - news item is used to display the details of the individual news item.
List - News Item用于显示单个新闻项的细节。
For this reason, Lotus Notes gives individual users the ability to decide whether or not SchedMgr should also extract the Subject item of each calendar entry.
出于这个原因,Lotus Notes允许各个用户决定schedmgr是否应该同时提取每个日程表条目的subject项。
No entity or individual may, without being registered, engage in the export of any sensitive item or technology.
Hydrotest report in English for each individual line item.
The company is specialized in Electronic household item, individual leisure thing design, production and sale.