The superstructure may be most safely reared on a good classic foundation.
As a result, most typical concurrent or parallel application deployment scenarios can be safely executed without any additional effort on the part of the system administrator.
The database your bank USES must quickly locate the relevant information, safely manage the transactions, securely interact with users, and — most important — not lose any data!
For most people you can safely lose 2 pounds per week.
Although most people can safely eat a vegetarian diet, extra care is advised for children, teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women.
Although most of the 1,600 or so seamen captured since 2008 have safely returned from their ordeal, about 30 are thought to have perished from neglect or violence.
Although most of the 1, 600 or so seamen captured since 2008 have safely returned from their ordeal, about 30 are thought to have perished from neglect or violence.
Once you have selected the type, the WSDL, and the project, you can press Finish (most of the advanced Settings can be safely ignored).
Why bother, for the most part, with programs like Microsoft Word, when everything can be available everywhere you go, safely stored in the cloud?
Therefore, you can disable the well-formed parameter when calling normalizeDocument safely for most applications, and this can significantly affect the performance of this method.
因此,对于大部分应用程序,在调用 normalizeDocument 时都可以放心地禁用格式良好的参数,这样可以显著提高该方法的性能。
The most likely option is an evacuation by sea, but to get evacuees safely onto ships will almost certainly require the agreement of all those fighting around the city, and that may be difficult.
Most of these injuries happen because people don't know how to safely light fireworks in the right place or form.
Most congressional seats are safely in the hands of one of the two parties, thanks to gerrymandering.
Most probably you will be lectured on how great it is to have you as a friend (jokingly, of course) but you will be safely brought home.
For now I will simply mention that most SCM tools include features that can safely do a three-way merge automatically.
As long as everyone plays nicely and safely, this is one of the most enjoyable and refreshing activities for kids.
About 250 people were trapped on the slopes, but most have got down safely.
When she hears that Huike has gone to town, she becomes very worried and makes it her most important task to bring Huike back safely.
As one of the most popular use, E-mail can transmit your letter quickly, safely, and accurately.
Clarks view is a unique view of the waves from the inside out that most people would only be able to experience safely on land while viewing one of Clarks photos.
Most existing vaccines elicit a targeted antibody response, but safely activating cellular immunity against many infectious diseases remains a challenging task.
The silicone that the doll is made of is very durable; Most solvents such as alcohol or acetone will not effect the skin, and can be used safely for a thorough cleaning.
For the unmanned vehicle to run safely, one of the most import factors is safe navigation.
Most times, the limits put on data in a database is a function of the database engine and how much data it can safely support.
The most common reason is when a shoe breaks off and its connecting lead to the electrical equipment on the train has to be secured safely.
Conclusion the combined approach can provide excellent exposure for the dumbbell tumors and most of the tumor can be safely resected.
Level 4 displays all level 3 warnings plus informational warnings, which in most cases can be safely ignored.