The loss of a job is rejection, resulting in the same hurt feelings as if a friend had told you to "bug off".
Thirty years ago, if you were walking along the coast of the Netherlands and picked a two-spot ladybug off the leaf of a European lime tree, chances were that the bug would be red with black spots.
Unfortunately, a bug in the Bus off-ramp prevents it from successfully unpublishing the services in the UDDI registry automatically.
不幸的是,总线出站中的一个缺陷,使它不能成功地自动取消发布在 UDDI 注册中心的服务。
Your colleague, meanwhile, gets to pick up that bug report exactly where you left off.
While it's possible to simply fire off a request for help or file a bug report and then dive back off user lists, that's not the norm.
虽然您可以简单地发出一个寻求帮助的请求或保存一个 bug 报告,然后再返回到用户列表,但是这不是常规做法。
The Mylyn WikiText component, originally for writing bug reports in a friendly fashion, has been spun off to a separate Mylyn/Docs project, where it joins forces with a RichText based editing cousin.
I wouldn't be surprise if I am the only user: This is quite convenient on the other hand as I can work on and off on the project without being swamped with bug reports and feature requests.
A bit disturbed that we shipped such a bug I immediately fired an email off to the appropriate team and inquired about the situation.
First, if you're not forced to deal with the bug immediately, you're likely to put off fixing it, so bugs tend to accumulate.
Fixed bug where games progressed thousands of days in could become unstable. And hats off to the amazing player that discovered this naturally!
If you want to make it to a ripe old bug age, your body will need to fight off these invaders.
I think the boss is gonna be laying off those who aren't working hard enough. I just put a bug in your ear.
He thinks year-round bug fights are better for fans and for the people who make money off the sport.
That update also will fix another apparent bug, which prevented iPhone and iPad 3G users from being able to turn off location logging on their mobile devices.
该升级软件同时也解决其他一些明显的bug,比如系统阻止iphone, ipad 3g的用户关闭地点历史信息记录功能;
That, I assumed, would cordon me off from the Net and keep me from spreading the bug while I figured out how to get rid of it.
And that does two things: bug one, it helps catch bugs in your code, and secondly it often converts it into a more efficient sequence of instructions before you actually go off and run it. All right?
I'm not quite sure how to interpret this, " said Moll. "Some people will get infected and be able to fight off the bug. Others will develop active TB and it will lead to death.
Why dont these people have whats called a bug-out bag in their car where they could take off and leave the area?
为什么这些人不在他们的车里装上收购袋(bug - out bag)呢?这样他们就可以在动身离开这个地区了呀,为什么他们没有这样做呢?