War of aggression launched by fascists has brought scourges to mankind but also enlightened people throughout the world.
Sitting is one of the scourges of modern life.
Cholera was the latest of the scourges visited on Haiti.
Poverty and joblessness are the twin scourges of any society.
The whole of Northern China has been scourges as with a lash.
One of the scourges of modern life may have been profoundly misunderstood.
"Scourges the like of which was never seen," people "crying to the great immortal God."
In any case we have to be in the know and prepared to deal with these debilitating scourges.
Though scourges of entrenched monopolies, he and they strike extraordinary deals to limit competition when they can.
Gates is busy with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which fights scourges like malaria, rotovirus, and HIV/AIDS.
现在盖茨致力于”比尔与梅琳达盖茨基金会” 与各种疾病根源做斗争,比如:疟疾,轮状病毒,艾滋病。
What the architects call this “mixity” of styles may offer a chance to tackle the scourges of traffic gridlock and pollution.
With the force of wind, the lines of raindrops whipped each fragile window pane from the sky like steel scourges trying to tear them into pieces.
Epidemic typhus spread by the body louse is the most severe. it is one of the great scourges of history associated with crowded filthy conditions.
The scientists hope the experiment will also help address the earthly scourges of hunger and malnutrition by identifying varieties suited to growing in harsh conditions.