Then boil and enjoy. Bon appetit!
The dish is ready to scare your family! Bon appetit!
At the start of a meal, the French say "Bon appetit", and the Italians say "Buon appetito".
One of the most popular recipe apps is Epicurious with its 28,000 recipes from Gourmet and Bon Appetit.
"At the start of a meal, the French say 'Bon appetit'. "What do you say at the start of a Chinese meal?
The ability to remember the experience of various wines is crucial, Anthony Dias Blue, wine editor of Bon Appetit magazine told New Scientist.
We’ve all chuckled over how only Germans could dream up Schadenfreude and how the English can’t say bon appetit because their cooking is so bad.
当我们一想到为什么只有德国人创造出“Schadenfreude”(译注:幸灾乐祸)这个词时,就会变得乐不可支,而英国人因为烹饪技术太差所以不会说“bon appetit”(译注:好胃口)。
We\'ve all chuckled over how only Germans could dream up Schadenfreude and how the English can\'t say bon appetit because their cooking is so bad.
当我们一想到为什么只有德国人创造出“Schadenfreude”(译注:幸灾乐祸)这个词时,就会变得乐不可支,而英国人因为烹饪技术太差所以不会说“bon appetit”(译注:好胃口)。
Stage 2- The item is featured in specialty consumer-oriented food magazines such as Gourmet and Bon Appetit, the Food Network show plus specialty retail shops.
The family has every issue of Bon Appetit magazine going back 15years, said his wife, Jean, "and you couldn't improvise with theingredients. He had to use exactly what the recipe called for."