1 词典释义:
drop line
时间: 2025-03-10 04:13:44
英 [drɒp lʌɪn]
美 [drɑp laɪn]


  • Result of my study that the problems of great drop line maybe have, which is an essential guidance for pipe commissioning.


  • I've been out of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line occasionally.


  • Well, I've been out of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line occasionally.


  • Drop me a line when you get there.


  • Drop us a line, it's always great to hear from you.


  • If you've made it this far, drop me a line and let me know what you think of the site.


  • Users will gladly use the graphical interface, but, when its limitation is reached, many still happily drop down into the command line.


  • Sales, down 40% during the recession, have recovered more than half that drop, in line with the recovery in car production.


  • Drop me a line if you want some of the BEST Leafy Green Juice recipes ever!


  • Drop the needles on the paper and calculate the percentage that fall on a line. With enough attempts, the answer should be the needle length divided by the width between lines, all multiplied by 2/pi.


  • Next time you are in town, droP me a line.


  • Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to…?


  • To boost productivity, drop to Cygwin and use its UNIX-like command line to manipulate the system.


  • Click on the verify icon and drag it to the processing line after the decrypt action icon previously created and drop the icon onto the line.


  • Also, because there is only one expression in the method body, we drop the braces and put the entire method definition on one line.


  • For the above scripts, if the first line is replayed, it should generate the drop-down list.


  • Nokia has a renewed spring in its step, having recovered from a stumble in early 2004, when a lacklustre product line-up caused its market share to drop below 30% for the first time in years.


  • Yet Temasek's overall performance has been merely mediocre rather than abysmal-the 37% drop in dollar terms over eight months is exactly in line with the MSCI world share index.


  • You should be able to "read" the back cover of the book, check out the book flap, see the cover art, and easily (and impulsively) drop the book in your cart and wander to the checkout line.


  • When you run the application, you can simply drag and drop the automobile icon onto different points along the assembly line.


  • With a file manager, you can drag and drop a file from one directory to another, cut and paste files, delete files, etc. So why use these old command line programs?

    有文件管理器,你可以将一个文件从一个目录拖到另外一个目录下,剪切和复制文件,删除文件等- - - - -那么,为什么还用用这些古老的命令行程序呢?

  • And prices rarely drop in a straight line.


  • Mr McCain needs to drop his current line of attack if he is to have any chance of doing his own popping.


  • Drag and drop the automobile along the assembly line.


  • There are a few line chart options that are specific to a linear chart, like markers (show data points), tension (make the lines curvy), and shadows (give each line a drop-shadow).


  • Im coming thru on the 24th, thought Id stop and buy you a beer Drop me a line if you can, say if your there.


  • If it has, please visit the Contact page and drop me a line to let me know.


  • Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to...?


  • Click on the transform icon and drag it to the processing line after the transform action icon previously created icon and drop.


  • Click on the decrypt icon and drag it to the processing line after the match action icon and drop.

