He writes of how burnt-out American singer Bob Dylon decided to walk away from his musical career in 1965 and escape to a cabin in the woods, only to be overcome by a desire to write.
Europe's politicians need to set aside their desire to divvy up the main positions, overcome their national biases and simply find the best person for the job.
But you can overcome even bad luck by using your desire and self-discipline to direct the things you can control.
Her courage and desire to help others overcome their problems earned her the respect and love of people all the world.
Often the best way to overcome desire is to satisfy it.
Her courage and desire to help others overcome their problems earned her the respect and love of people all over the world.
Though there are less and less things I feel I can't get in Beijing, every time I set foot in America I am overcome with a desire to buy, buy, buy.
Researchers found that women are overcome by a burning desire to share gossip as soon as they hear it.
VALUE: Top Designer with a desire to young children overcome problems of obesity which is an area he is well positioned to advance on.
Milan had the desire to overcome the difficulties and they have done it.
We are suffering difficult situations because of injuries and physical shape, but I see a desire from everyone to overcome difficulties.