Singer Chris Brown is pleaded guilty to assaulting singer Rihanna.
The AD copy reads, "Chris Brown feat." Milk. Another great collaboration? Milk.
Jessica Simpson dropped off, as did Pamela Anderson, Shakira and hip hop's Chris Brown.
I caught a glimpse of Neyo and Chris Brown at the Los Angeles premier of their movie Stomp the Yard!
Owner Chris Brown, who lives in Brighton, said Mango didn't know what to make of the cheeky intruder.
Rihanna, who endured an assault at the hands of her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, has revealed she is happier than ever.
She appeared a year on from her assault by boyfriend Chris Brown, which happened before last year's Grammy ceremony.
在去年格莱美奖典礼上遭男友Chris Brown袭击的一年之后,她再度出场。
No charges have yet been brought, but Chris Brown said in a statement that he was "sorry and saddened" over what happened.
目前并没有起诉,但是Chris Brown在供词中说他对发生的事表示抱歉和悲痛。
She knows she couldn't turn Chris Brown into a father figure, so it wouldn't surprise me if she is looking for a more stable guy.
Last year, for instance, the R&B singer 9)Chris Brown released a hit song, Forever, that doubled as a jingle for the 10)Doublemint brand of gum.
R&B singer Chris Brown was arrested Sunday night by Los Angeles cops for allegedly beating up a woman, and insiders identified the victim as his superstar girlfriend Rihanna.
现役于R&B的歌手CHRIS BROWN,据称于本周日晚因伤害一位女士而被 洛杉矶警察 拘捕,据称有知情人士认出了受害者为他的明星女友RIHANNA。
The trends tab offers a drop down list of top ten trending topics (Chris Brown being the current most discussed topic), and the search box allows you to search in real time on any topic.
To make sure that his new material can stand up to previous hits like "Baby," Bieber is enlisting the help of some of the music industry's biggest names, including Chris Brown and Will. i. am.
为了保证他的新专辑能像之前热销唱片“宝贝”一样出众,小贾斯汀广召音乐界的大咖来帮他,其中包含克里斯小子和Will . i.a m。
Chris mihm, kwame brown and andrew bynum are fighting for time there, but coach phil jackson indicated there was room for only two at the position.
Sticklers for detail, father-son owners Pratt and Chris Morales sprinkle herbs and spices on the golden-brown loaf, and even substitute darker whole wheat flour for the "dark meat" wings and legs.
Predatory strikes from the valiant Dirk Kuyt, but he would surely not have enjoyed the space given to him by Chris Smalling and Wes Brown had the big boys been around.