1 词典释义:
to be used to
时间: 2024-10-06 13:10:36


  • A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.


  • Nice words to be used to a young lady!


  • KeyInfo indicates the key to be used to validate the signature.


  • This WSP: to element was meant to be used to carry that information.

    此wsp: To元素当时就是意在用于承载该信息。

  • The plastic that used to be used to make baby bottles is a polycarbonate.


  • proc filesystem support needs to be used to determine such parameters.

    要确定此类参数,需要利用 /proc 文件系统的支持。

  • Some memory has to be used to keep track of all those reverse mappings.


  • It was so heavy that a crane had to be used to remove it from the lorry.


  • The non-data descriptor is likely to be used to return a callable object.


  • Signature Algorithm: Algorithm to be used to sign the self-signed certificate.

    Signature Algorithm:签署自签名证书所使用的算法。

  • The user id and password to be used to run this task must also be specified.

    这里还必须指定用于运行该任务的用户 id 和 密码。

  • We want oil to be used to benefit the country, to transform living conditions.


  • Outside the Go project itself Go is starting to be used to build real software.


  • The remote session bean is returned to be used to call the bean's business methods.

    返回的远程会话 bean 用于调用 bean 的业务方法。

  • This consists mainly of the URL to be used to invoke the coach associated with the task.


  • Canisters of the harvested helium-3 are then sent to Earth to be used to generate fusion energy.

    随后一罐罐的氦- 3就被送至地球用于核聚变产能。

  • Debug would tend to be used to indicate such things as the value of variables at certain points.


  • After services are implemented, they need to be used to compose and choreograph the business processes.


  • It also specifies what extension condition needs to be used to determine the extension applicability.


  • But there are doubters who think that more community sentences may have to be used to prevent overcrowding.


  • RDA allows mapping models to be used to specify a join of information that may reside in multiple sources.

    RDA 允许通过映射模型指定来自多个源的信息的连接。

  • The security-identity element specifies the security identity to be used to invoke methods in SimpleSessionBean.

    security-identity 元素指定用于调用 SimpleSessionBean 中的方法的安全标识。

  • Covering fibres in a reflective coating allows them to be used to encode information within their vibrations.


  • The governance board communicates the asset types and classifications to be used to specify candidate assets.


  • This line refers to the DTD or schema (your list of elements and rules) to be used to validate that document.


  • Categorization of the Web service allows sophisticated searches to be used to find the most desirable service.


  • Police in the oil region around Basra have found weapons that were meant to be used to attack foreign companies.


  • The rent from these fields (sometimes called "Bread and Cheese Lands") was to be used to provide for the deserving poor.


  • Add images to the appropriate images directory that display what you want to be used to indicate the sort direction.
