1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-12 10:10:05


  • All configuration options must be in upper-case.


  • Can you change a printer to print upper-case letters?


  • Use of upper-case words is the equivalent of shouting in some one's ear.


  • ONLY use upper-case words when trying to make a point (such as I just did).

    它仅用于强调(注:原文是“ONLY use upper-case words when trying to make a point (such as I just did)”,作者巧妙地演示了大写字母的用法,可惜中文无法体现出来)。

  • Password must contain one upper-case character, one number, and be at least 8 characters.


  • A good password will be one which has a mix of upper-case, lowercase and special characters.


  • Note also that you specified the range of lower-case and upper-case characters in the last example.


  • The problem is that the predicate with the fn: upper-case function prevents the use of XML indexes in DB2.

    问题是如果使用包含fn: upper - case函数的谓词,就不会使用DB 2中的xml索引。

  • Use upper-case letters for legibility and slightly angle the horizontal bars upwards to create a more positive feel.


  • Because XQuery is case-sensitive, lowercase table and column names would fail to match upper-case names in the DB2 catalog.

    由于XQuery是大小写敏感的,因此小写的表名和列名不能与DB 2编目中的大写名称相匹配。

  • To avoid the use of the fn: upper-case function and exploit the benefits of XML indexes, it is necessary to create a case-insensitive database.

    要想避免使用fn: upper - case函数并利用xml索引加快查询,就需要创建不区分大小写的数据库。

  • Likewise, feel free to label interactions. Use upper-case letters for legibility and slightly Angle the horizontal bars upwards to create a more positive feel.


  • To catch all four rows that you require, you can use the XQuery function fn: upper-case to convert the city element values to upper case and compare them to "PARIS."

    要想获取所需的所有四行,可以使用XQuery函数fn: upper - case把city元素值转换为大写并与“PARIS”做比较。

  • Lines 2 through 4 will now turn into upper case.


  • One common convention for naming service uses upper case letters to separate words in the name of the service.


  • The appearance of a word in upper case between lower caps is usually ugly.


  • Headings should be in upper case.


  • They have to distinguish between words in upper and lower-case letters or even harder, they had to count the number of syllables in different words.


  • In any cases capitals are bigger... But the appearance of a word in upper case between lower caps is usually ugly.


  • Usually this is upper case, lower case, special character and a number.


  • In this name, the three words, get, car, and price, which constitute the service name, are separated by three upper case letters, g, c, and p.


  • Don't write in all upper case letters (which is an E-mail convention for anger or other strong emotions).


  • Should the text be upper case or mixed case?


  • This function first parses the second word from the option (the first word being the first name), changes it to upper case, and then compares the two strings and returns a -1, 1, or 0.

    该函数首先解析选项的第二个词(第一个词是名字),将它变为大写形式,然后比较两个字符串,并返回- 1、1或0。

  • Some of the standardization rules are straightforward and do not require significant effort, such as converting mixed-character data into upper case.


  • The DBMS automatically manages the functional index and applications need not include logic to manage the upper case data.

    DBMS 将自动管理函数索引以及不需要包含逻辑来管理大写形式数据的应用程序。

  • Some values are all upper case, some are all lower case, and some are mixed case (" First character upper case ").


  • Second, the query refers to the table and column names in upper case.


  • All the service does is transform three lowercase String input values to upper case after forcing a 10 second pause in the execution to simulate a long running process.


adj. 大写字母的