The datastore logs off of the Library Server database.
数据存储从Library Server数据库中注销。
You should also try to keep indexes and redo logs off the same volumes as your data.
On a portal server, this is typically when the user logs off, times out, or closes the browser.
Indicating that he does not have permission to update that table, he quickly logs off the server and leaves, thinking that nobody saw anything.
Indicating that he does not have permission to update that table, he quickly logs off the server and leaves, thinking that nobody will notice anything.
Full backups and incremental backups were only run "off shift," with archive logs backed up during the day.
完全备份和增量备份只能空闲期间(off shift)运行,带有一天内的存档日志备份。
We explored the streams, quietly, where the turtles slid off the sunny logs and dug their way into the soft bottom; and we lay on the town wharf and fed worms to the tame bass.
So logs into Facebook, replies to a few messages from his friends and then heads off to meet Jane.
Logs for the ObjectGrid servers will be created in a logs directory, located in the directory where you kick off the servers.
The window assemblies and logs were manufactured off site and lofted into place with a crane.
Administrators use this extension to specify scripts that are run when the user logs on or off the computer. Scripts run in the user's context.
Administrators use this extension to specify scripts that are run when the user logs on or off the computer.
Then their branches are cut off and logs are made.
Answer: Windows 98 creates a local user profile on each computer to which a user logs on, and updates the profile each time a user log off from that computer.
答:Windows 98在用户登录的每台电脑上创建一个本地用户配置文件,并在每次用户从电脑上注销时更新。