Since this is something we can all identify with, I think it will help us see the relationship between the function of a structure and its style or form.
They tell us for instance that there is a difference between recognizing something in the sense that you could name it, and knowing what it is.
Because there is something good between us, and I don't want to mess it up.
It's something very private between us.
Indeed, something unhappy had occurred between us, which had made me feel disappointed with him.
I guess I always figured that it was something that was a secret between us.
Although for most of us, an extended silence between two people engaged in a conversation can be uncomfortable, it's something you can learn to become comfortable with in time.
Indeed, those recalcitrant minor key songs that defy generalization about the link between tonality and mood may tell us something more important about music than the ones that conform.
Wine is this spot between the center of the earth and the center of the universe, and there is something that's happening with or without us.
But we know it's impossible for us to go on living like this any longer, because we often feel something missing between us.
I think there was a bodyguard between us or something, but he was pretty close.
There might be something real between us two, who knew?
These and other researchers tell us that the mind can't tell the difference between something you're thinking about that you want and something you're thinking about that you do not want.
Could you now please tell us something about the cooperation between CAF and Institute of Latin American Studies and what will be the content of that?
You broke some things between us. There's something unbreakable between us.
I admit we may not be the best PALS but there is truly something special between us and that special something is FOREVER!
We've met again, which seems there is something destined between us.
First I need to make something clear. Whatever we discuss today stays between us.