They gravitated toward each other immediately.
Clint: Yeah, well, I guess I've gravitated toward those roles.
The sand in the water gravitated towards the bottom of the bottle.
But, personally, I've always gravitated towards simpler... less is more.
He gravitated to the Outer Rim, where he eventually began racing with outlaw swoop gangs.
For a time the talk gravitated to the good old times and the party comrades of better days.
Another recent study revealed that college students gravitated toward news that fit their views.
I noticed that the Europeans gravitated to a table together and my first inclination was to join them.
Newton found the law of gravity, which goes like 1 over the square of the distance between the things gravitated.
But perhaps because of his origins in the solidly "red" region of Emilia, he gravitated to the left of the movement.
We gravitated towards the same kind of music and we loved collaborating and he was the easiest person to write with.
I gravitated toward the field of clothing design, partly because it is a creative format that is modern and optimistic.
Diners have gravitated to the health benefits of the fish, and supermarkets have capitalized by producing cheap fillets.
As the Americans and their Iraqi army Allies successfully hunt them down elsewhere in Iraq, many have gravitated to Mosul.
Many urban Chinese have gravitated away from these traditional principles over the past 20 years, but not most rural folk.
Nevertheless, after the eight months of separation, the horses trained with food rewards gravitated towards the same experimenter.
We stopped by the fruit section, and I automatically gravitated to the bright red apples that looked delicious sitting on the store shelf.
It was not in Franklin's nature, however, to be dogmatic or extreme about any principle; he generally gravitated toward a sensible balance.
At HBS, the Chinese students quickly gravitated together. The old hands helped the newcomers learn how to drive, shop for food, ride the subway.
This is probably why I will rent for the rest of my working life, and why I gravitated easily towards being a consultant who could potentially travel a lot.
As a dutiful immigrant son, To put aside his high-school love of humanities to pursue a major in engineering at Columbia, but soon gravitated toward a business career.
But alas, the conversation had to start somewhere so it gravitated to the almost universal problem of conflict and disconnect between Developer culture and Operations culture.
And in order to know the right people artists and designers inevitably gravitate to New York, because it's where previous generations of artists and designers, now powerful, gravitated to.
Fort Stewart has long used controlled burning in its busiest training areas to prevent live ammunition from causing unplanned fires. Local species gravitated toward those scorched open areas.
A protege of Karl Miller, he came to London to write for the London Review of Books and teach at UCL, but quickly gravitated to the TLS, where he worked for 14 years, six of them as deputy editor.
作为一名卡尔.米勒(Karl Miller)的学生,他在伦敦为《伦敦书评》撰文,并在伦敦大学学院(UCL)教学,但很快转到《泰晤士文学副刊》(TLS),其中的六年时间是作为这家期刊的副主编,他在那儿工作了长达14年。