Like dust scooting across the floor.
You can hear dust scooting across the floor?
Leave me alone, he tells his mother, scooting away from her side.
It turned out that even laborious hooting and scooting weren't enough.
Peter and Benjamin Bunny had such a fun time scooting through the tunnels.
She started by scooting around the furniture at home, repeatedly surprising her mother with new arrangements.
And it's scooting around towards Scandinavia, back through parts of the UK and also into other parts of Western Europe.
They were gone in a moment, the car's sashaying back-end scooting around a bend in the road with a spurt of exhaust smoke.
Instead of scooting like a Golden Snitch during a Quidditch championship, DH1 is struck with a long spell of aimlessness, and the viewer with the curse of ennui.
Scooting around Paris in her Golf GTI, one hand on the wheel and the other clutching her cell phone, de Kergorlay pauses between calls to rave about life alone.
她开着漂亮的德国Golf GTI牌小汽车快速地在巴黎兜着风,一手扶着方向盘,另一手抓着手机,在打电话的间歇中热情洋溢地谈论着单身生活。