Treasurers of American firms mostly support keeping fixed NAVs.
Last question, what's your advice for our treasurers to get through the crisis?
Take no more money from your treasurers, but hand it over for repairing the temple.
Savvy cash management by corporate treasurers seeking to maximise returns on idle cash likewise fuelled inflows.
By putting off payments to creditors, treasurers can conserve cash and thus reduce their reliance on nervous bankers.
Money funds, with robust credit departments that do not simply rely on ratings, are better placed than corporate treasurers to provide this.
Before the crisis, we lost a bit of the concept of the core role of corporate treasurers: keep liquidity in the best interest of the company.
Many corporate treasurers will want to hold more cash than normal given the size of their firms' debt and the frailties of the financial system.
The Joint Venture shall employ competent treasurers and auditors to keep all books of accounts, which are accessible at any time to each Partyhereto.
The head of Britain's Association of Corporate Treasurers advises his members to "keep calm and carry on" under the threat of scarcer and more costly finance.
For example, you may wish to have your district finance committee chair spend some time talking with club secretaries and treasurers about the correlation between club and district finances.
A recent survey by the French association of corporate treasurers confirmed that financing conditions are worsening; companies are finding it harder to get bank funding, and are paying higher rates.
法国企业财务主管协会近期的一项调查明确表示金融状况正在恶化。 公司要想从银行得到贷款更难,付出的利率更高。