Diesel engine obsoletes steamer.
Obsoletes Name of modules that this module replaces (makes obsolete).
This document reflects implementation experience with RFC 2109 and obsoletes it.
此文档细化了RFC 2109的使用经验, 并废弃了相关部份。
The re module obsoletes the regex and regsub modules that you may see used in some older Python code.
Product easily obsoletes, but succeed brand will not fade, therefore, in a sense, the brand is the soul of the market.
This alone makes it much easier to sleep at night and obsoletes the need for "Channel Masquerades" and other such voodoo.
Needham's Charlie Wolf: Pad 2 immediately obsoletes a flood of media tablets that are finally beginning to appear a year after the iPad's introduction.
Needham的查理•沃尔夫: 在iPad问世一年之后,各厂商争相推出媒体平板电脑,然而iPad 2一出,这些产品马上将被淘汰。
This project obsoletes old sintering machines to promote the automation and large size of the equipment and the pollution is eliminated from the source by using advanced technologies and equipment.
obsolete equipment