1 词典释义:
vocal tract
时间: 2024-12-17 12:41:02
英 [ˈvəʊk(ə)l trakt]
美 [ˈvoʊk(ə)l trækt]


  • Aerodynamics of the Vocal Tract, Turbulence Noise, Abrupt Release, Bursts.


  • Natural spectral peaks of the vocal tract that aid in the recognition of speech sounds.


  • The sounds of language are certainly intimately related to the morphology of the vocal tract.


  • But we can see what the human vocal tract shape has allowed us to do that our primate relatives can't.


  • Fossils can only tell us so much about the shape of the vocal tract because much of it is soft tissue.


  • The medium of spoken language is speech sounds, sounds produced by the human vocal tract to convey meaning.


  • Thus, a description of man's vocal tract may account for certain peculiarities of universal features of speech.


  • Speaker normalization consists of cepstrum mean normalization (CMN) and vocal tract length normalization (VTLN).


  • This software works by analysing 117 parameters of an individual's voice to build up a profile of his vocal tract.


  • Closure at some point in the vocal tract that blocks the flow of air in the production of an oral or a nasal stop.


  • This showed that noises made from tubes without air sacs, the tubes mimicking the modern vocal tract, were much clearer.


  • Based on complex cepstrum, the vocal tract vibrations and sub-glottal voice sources of both male and female in chest region were examined.


  • They include the intake of air into one's lungs, the mechanics of vocal folds in the larynx, and the movement of acoustic waves through the vocal tract.

    这些物理学现象包括人摄入肺中的空气量、喉头声带的震动以及声波在声道中传播。 典型的合成语音听上去像机器人,因为人类在解剖学上的结构很难被复制。

  • Lieberman says that, looking back at human evolution, it's evident that after humans diverged from an early ape ancestor, the shape of the vocal tract changed.


  • When LPC vocoder exactly extracts vocal tract parameters, whether an excitation model is good of not will severoly affect the quality of the synthetic speech.

    LPC 声码器在准确提取声道参数的情况下,激励模型的优劣直接影响着综合语音的质量。

  • Of or referring to a phonetic feature that distinguishes sounds produced at the periphery of the vocal tract, as in labial and velar consonants and back vowels.


  • Of or referring to a phonetic feature that distinguishes sounds produced at the periphery of the vocal tract, as in labial and velar consonants and back vowels.


  • The synthesis model is implemented with scattering process derived from reflection-type line analog of vocal tract system according to the acoustic model of speech production.


  • It is thought that the shape and mechanics of the mouth, throat and other parts of the vocal tract of our ancestors from one million years ago would have allowed them to speak - but not a lot.


  • The FSVQ-CEC scheme is applied to an analysis-synthesis adaptive predictive speech encoding system so as to exploit the redundancy between vocal tract codevectors and excitational codevectors.


  • The scientists then used these data to build a computer model of a monkey vocal tract 2, allowing them to answer the question "what would monkey speech sound like, if a human brain were in control?"


  • The vocal-tract mapping algorithm is the key part, so formant parameters which are estimated by the root-finding method based on LP analysis, are chosen for the transformation parameters.


  • Different Vocal-tract Shapes: Articulatory Attributes, Acoustic Consequences.

