Baker is coming to Israel with four major talking points.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》I wrote one such article for Talking Points Memo.
我给talking points memo(谈话要点备忘录)写了一篇文章。
You can see my slides with talking points and questions from the panel.
When it comes to Bryant, the talking points have always missed the mark.
After this is complete, they decide on an angle and prepare talking points.
Assemble a list of talking points and make sure you get through them, adds Sullivan.
If you find it hard to express emotions, jot down talking points, or write a letter.
The final ten minute dash for the grid provided incident and talking points aplenty.
They exchanged sharp blows. And, most of the time, they avoided reciting their talking points.
Most experts advise making an outline with talking points rather than an exact manuscript.
Presenter's Guides - film highlights and talking points to support presenter introductions.
Take 10 minutes to think about the issue, write up talking points for yourself, then set it aside.
More and more children can learn to understand others point of view, etc. take turns in games or talking points.
"Talking Points" also supports federal money to build infrastructure, improve roads, bridges, the national grid.
Come prepared with a few talking points that highlight your skills and experience and find ways to weave them in.
Hobbies. These make great talking points and may produce chemistry with a hiring manager. However, it takes up critical space.
Hobbies.. These make great talking points and may produce chemistry with a hiring manager. However, it takes up critical space.
Goldman Sachs also suggests allowing yourself 20-30 minutes for final interview prep so you can practice your key talking points.
高盛建议,在最终的面试前,你会有20 - 30分钟准备时间,因此,你可以利用这些时间对你的卖点进行会话练习。
We've tried to create a lot of talking points amongst the media, from product to design and our open kitchen, even the funny names.
Debates during an election, for example, tend to highlight hot-button issues and talking points that play to constituents' emotions.
You can see my slides with talking points and questions from the panel. Below is a quick recap of discussion about the following topics.
So rather than presenting news, many BMGF-funded journalists now present carefully-crafted BMFG talking points to viewers and readers.
But on Saturday his remarks had a distinct through line, anchored by the talking points his campaign had written down on pieces of paper.
Hewas greeted with a few homemade "Rand Paul for U.S. Senate" signs, and he seemed to have already plotted his outsider-candidate talking points.
That's a term of art for policy mandarins -- it translates into "nothing new was said, just a recycling of old talking points and approved language."
By including 5-7 major talking points you can look back a week or even a few months later and still have a good idea about how to start a blog entry.
If you are struggling to find interest blogging about anything try first sketching Outlines about major topics and post bullets for possible talking points.