1 词典释义:
second wind
时间: 2025-01-20 18:21:19


  • Finding a second wind, he rode away from his pursuers.


  • A second wind for German industry?


  • After ra short nap, they seem to have gotten their second wind and are making good progress.

    在小睡之后,他们似乎恢复了精力,现在进度不错。 。

  • The worry is that unemployment might well keep on going up even if the economy did find some miraculous second wind.


  • Once The Change has finished, and the body moves into its "advanced" stage, the female brain gets a second wind.


  • I was exhausted after 3 kilometers of running, but I got a second wind after I passed the beach, and finally won the match.


  • “Beginners need to focus on their breathing particularly, ” Gallagher says, “but more experienced exercisers can get their 'second wind’ quite effortlessly.

    “初学者需要特别关注他们的呼吸。” 加拉格尔说,“经验丰富的练习者能够很轻松地‘恢复正常呼吸’。

  • The influence rule for primary wind temperature, second wind temperature, oxygen content and secondary air baffle opening to carbon-in-ash content were analyzed.


  • The second cooling unit comprises a second blast unit, a second channel and a second wind deflector unit. The second channel is provided with a second wind outlet.


  • There is abundance for everyone. But just as you must strain and labor to reach the resources of your "second wind," just so you must strive before you can make manifest the law of supply in nature.


  • Second, we can use wind power forever.


  • Pitch controller: to maximize lift as the wind speed changes, a controller can automatically rotate each blade anywhere from a fraction of a degree to multiple degrees per second.


  • Fierce wind - a loud and wild voice - howled and threatened everything around and changed its sounds every second.


  • In a nondescript building on the Southampton University campus, is a wind tunnel once used to develop the pioneering aircraft which defended Britain during the Second World War.


  • Second, through sources like wind energy, produced in part by your turbines, I want us to double the amount of electricity that we draw from clean sources.


  • The bird must be able to maintain a stable position space, despite the fact that their wings are beating 75 times per second and that disruptive effects such as wind gusts could throw them off.


  • Iberdrola, Spain's largest power company, is a world leader in wind power and the second-biggest wind operator in America after Florida power and Light.


  • Second, statistics suggest that while most employees who lose their positions to overseas rivals wind up with new jobs, the new ones typically don’t pay as much.

    其次,大量数据表明,尽管大多数员工在被国外对手抢走工作之后又找到了新的工作,他们后来的薪水却远不如前。 。

  • The state also produces the second-most hydroelectric energy, and the eighth most non-hydroelectric alternative energy, mostly from state wind farms.


  • Three wind turbines erected here, on the second-most- populous island, in 2007 should meet half of San Cristóbal's total power needs this year (and up to 90 percent when the wind is high).


  • How can the second daughter-in-law bring back wind in a paper?


  • He finished second in a wind-aided 13.15 seconds after crossing the line neck and neck with American Terrence Trammell.


  • Wind turbines are built in its shipyards and every second year it plays host to the world's biggest gathering of wind-energy companies.


  • Chen Lina, gold medalist at the Asian Sailing Competition in 2008, said she lost the first round because the wind was too light and the second round probably because she was not strong enough.


  • Men chose J.R.R. Tolkien's " The Lord of the Rings " and women selected Margaret Mitchell's " Gone With the Wind " as their second-favorite book, according to the online poll.

    该项在线调查显示,多数男性选择的是J.R.R.托尔金的 《指环王》 ,女性选择的则是玛格丽特•米歇尔的 《飘》 。

  • It can generate maximum wind velocity of 15 to 20 metres per second, enough to simulate an F3-size storm.

    它可产生每秒15 - 20米风速,相当于F 3级风暴。

  • Wind, solar, wave energy, geothermal and second generation biofuels are the future despite what the oil and coal companies would like us to believe.


  • The competitive cost of wind has made it the second-largest source of new electric power generation in the U.S. for the past three years, behind natural gas and ahead of coal.
