Make sure that you keep indenting each level.
This navigator supports child pages by indenting their names.
Even with proper indenting, it's a fairly confusing mass of nested divs.
You use autoindent to turn automatic indenting on or off (see Listing 3).
It helps you in writing scripts by allowing you to simplify the indenting.
You can use the: set noautoindent command to turn automatic indenting off.
可以使用:set noautoindent命令关闭自动缩进。
The indenting of the child navigation links is what creates the tree hierarchy.
Outdenting, indenting, and performing a drag and drop operation on work items.
Avoid indenting output in your XSLT because it might introduce unintended white space.
We are indenting agent promote foreign product in our region (Pakistan) on commission base.
This is very useful when you are indenting your code in structures like loops and procedures.
You don't see much indenting inside the body element because there's not much structure there.
我们可以看到 body 元素内部并没有太多的缩进格式,这是因为该元素中没有多少结构。
But as you can see, indenting improves the appearance of the program and is highly recommended.
With vi in command mode, type :set autoindent, then press Enter to turn on automatic indenting.
在命令模式下,输入 :set autoindent,然后按回车打开自动缩进。
This dialog box enables you to adjust default Settings for indenting and tabs in the CSS editor.
In the never-ending debate over whether to use SPACEs or TABs for indenting code, I prefer SPACEs.
Simply indenting new or changed lines in your CSS you can make recent changes in your code more visible.
You can change the indenting assumptions by setting sgml-indent-data to true in your Emacs initialization file.
可以通过将Emacs初始化文件中的sgml - indent - data设置为真来更改这个缩进假设。
Any nonessential white space, like indenting, blank lines, and Spaces between elements and braces, was stripped.
Indenting the opening paragraph of a new section would be redundant, because that paragraph would be the first in that page or section anyway.
Re-indents or formats the selected text, including the lines the anchor and active ends are on, according to global settings for smart indenting.
When normal indenting is applied, the thin film bonding can be tested by this indenter and the results have been compared with that by scratch tests.
This may seem odd at first, but it turns out to be very powerful — you can see exactly what the document being parsed looks like, including any indenting!
Applies the indenting and space formatting for the language as specified on the formatting pane of that language in the Text Editor section of the Options dialog box.
In addition, you can determine how many Spaces represent a single indentation or TAB, and adjust indenting manually or apply Smart indenting to selected blocks of code.
Next, the parser sees the opening tag for the product element (for simplicity, I'll ignore the namespaces and indenting whitespaces in the rest of this discussion) and it generates its third event.
indent for