1 词典释义:
but rather
时间: 2025-02-18 09:37:10
英 [bət ˈrɑːðə]
美 [bət ˈræðər]

phr. 而是;反而;而宁可说是

  • The walls were not white, but rather a sort of dirty grey.


  • It's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.


  • There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.


  • When it comes to heart health, there is speculation that it's not the style of music, but rather the tempo that makes it so good for your heart health.


  • Instead, I agree with Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom, who believes that the heaviest risks from AGI do not come from a decision to turn against mankind but rather from a dogged pursuit of set objectives at the expense of everything else.

    相反,我同意牛津大学哲学家尼克·博斯特罗姆的观点。他认为,AGI 最大的风险并非源自它违反人类的决定,而是源自其不惜一切代价对既定目标的执着追求。

  • "Well, perhaps you have chosen the better way," said the Water Rat, but rather doubtfully.


  • We all know that it's easy to follow fashion but rather difficult to establish our own style.


  • The issue is not development time, but rather the full time between project inception and delivery.


  • Post wants to make clear that she's not talking about legal rights, but rather personal preferences.


  • The decay of Christian belief and practice is not a loss but rather an opportunity for poetry in Crane.


  • Don't push for an interview on the spot, but rather explain that you want to let them know of your interest.


  • We are not advocating its abolition but rather calling for the adaptation of its characteristics to meet the needs of today.


  • So then the problem is not really about technology, but rather, "how do we innovate our institutions and our work practices?"


  • Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscraper wasn't a race of height, but rather one to collect the most solar energy.


  • What is so impressive about it, however, is not its lengthiness but rather the reverse — the thrifty compactness of its construction.


  • Voting of this kind does not depend on the strong points of the competitors, but rather on how many social-networking resources they have.


  • My favorite type of snow is not the type you make snowmen out of or have snowball fights with but rather the big, slow-moving, fluffy kind.


  • Also, skilled artisans did not work by the clock, at a steady pace, but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time.


  • What highly creative artistic activity produces is not a new generalization that transcends established limits, but rather an aesthetic particular.


  • In this consumerist age, most buyers aren't evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product—like a car or clothes or a house.


  • Clearly, however, our actions demonstrate not a bias in favor of liberal views but rather a commitment to a balanced presentation of diverse opinions.


  • Because the basic idea of chaos theory is that there aren't any "models" as such—there aren't guaranteed forms, but rather patterns of change in development.


  • These policy analysts believe that the problem is not caused primarily by wage inequity but rather by low wages coupled with single parent hood, regardless of sex.


  • However, their focus was not on aerobics, but rather on weight-training programs designed to develop muscular mass, strength, and endurance in their primarily male enthusiasts.


  • Earth's surface is not made up of a single sheet of rock that forms a crust but rather a number of "tectonic plates" that fit closely, like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.


  • The paucity of known extinctions or disruptions resulting from indirect interactions may reflect not the infrequency of such mishaps but rather the failure to look for or to detect them.


  • Gazda hypothesizes that copying didn't indicate a lack of artistic imagination or skill on the part of Roman artists, but rather the Romans made copies because they admired Greek sculpture.


  • The study's finding strongly suggests that the real reason why scientists over forty rarely produce highly creative work is not due to age but rather because most have spent too long in their fields.


  • Several hours after a meal, people's hunger levels were predicted not by how much they'd eaten but rather by how much food they'd seen in front of them—in other words, how much they remembered eating.
