The author recaptures an old idea here.
Minimalism recaptures that valuable time for our lives.
Once he recaptures Paris, he'll have a lot of confidence headed into Wimbledon.
In fact, it recaptures the true magical tradition of the Tarot as few decks have ever done.
With continued use, skin appears transformed as it recaptures youthful firmness and luminosity.
Scene short news is a kind of witnessed news reports that briefly recaptures the news and the scene.
You can use the device's Throttle Settings to temporarily slow down request processing or to perform a warm restart, which recaptures memory in this situation.
可以使用设备的Throttle Settings来暂时减缓请求处理或执行热重启,将在这种情况下重新取回内存。
You can use the device's Throttle Settings to temporarily slow down request processing or to perform a warm restart, which recaptures file system space in situations of reduced free space.
可以使用设备的Throttle Settings来暂时减缓请求处理或执行热重启,这将在空闲空间减少的情况下重新取回文件系统空间。