A service is often made available redundantly by multiple providers.
To find enough bugs, you have to write additional tests that "redundantly" execute the code.
A namespace is a string with the syntax of a URI (often redundantly called the "namespace URI").
In order to storage the data reliably, this paper proposes storage the data pointer and its checksum redundantly.
Might as well when apply face film wipe redundantly a few go up in the hand, let both hands also can share profit.
Because the watermark is embedded redundantly in the whole band of the model, the approach is robust against various attacks.
Messages are stored redundantly across multiple systems and data centers. Some of the other technical details to be considered are.
With this configuration, you are redundantly stating that all logging events under the public and app trees have a logging level of INFO.
All UDDI Business Registry entries exist redundantly on all Operator sites, but entries may be changed only at the site where they were created.
Mercedes adds, perhaps redundantly, "Customers all over the world benefited from our bold move to launch a completely new vehicle concept onto the market."
Huang Liang creates his self-world among many realistic and unrealistic scenes, however, he is not redundantly concentrate on the languages of painting itself;
黄亮 在许多现实与不现实的场景中创造出他的自我世界,表现手法上则没有把过多的精力放在语言手法的诉求上;
Nowadays, higher vocational English teaching, : which has been redundantly emphasizing the target language culture learning, with native culture teaching neglected;
Through image subtracted to get object, part projection to segment buttons and real time detection redundantly, and the face of remote control is automatically detected.
It USES the same techniques as a RAID file server to allow an entire cluster of ZEO databases to operate redundantly, with all servers participating in both reads and writes.
"Broomstick", as the family called her-other members were "Bubbles" and "Diggers" -was polished up in Lausanne and Knightsbridge, where she rather redundantly took a secretarial course.
Better end-user experience by eliminating the need for new accounts registration through automatic "federated provisioning" or avoiding redundantly login through cross-domain single sign-on.
The number of items in the list is stored there redundantly in order to get this information without the need to query the entire AllUserData table where all SharePoint list items are stored.
File RAID is a new technology of data redundant, in file RAID, the file system manages multi-disks and places user data over separate disks redundantly by itself, hence improve the RAID ability.