The pension funds are administered by commercial banks.
《牛津词典》The state's five pension funds are looking pasty.
Illinois's pension funds were skimpy even before the crisis.
But some are uneasy that the Banks and pension funds would hold a combined 60%.
The fund is to be collected from Banks, insurers, brokerages and pension funds.
Most of Peru's 32-year bonds were reportedly picked up by local pension funds.
The pension funds themselves are being given greater freedom to buy foreign shares.
Public pension funds have also joined together to lobby against a reduction in the SEC's power.
Pension funds have a duty to guarantee their members' retirement benefits, after all, not cut carbon.
"The contracts are the starting point for students' pension funds and insurance guarantees," Zheng said.
Perhaps back then it made sense for some investors, such as pension funds, to be obliged to buy top-rated bonds.
Pension funds could decide to make a geared bet on equities by borrowing money and investing in the S&P 500 index.
That means the industry will become more focused on institutional investors like pension funds and endowments.
But the result was that institutions, such as insurance companies and pension funds, could move money across borders.
Most venture funds have some institutional investors (pension funds, university endowments, family offices) as LP's.
Market participants said the selling pressure came from long-term investors, such as pension funds, banks and insurers.
Part of the reason is that pension funds have changed their behaviour, to seek out assets that match their liabilities.
You managed Harvard's endowment during a turbulent time, and you advise several other endowments and state pension funds.
Peter Harrison, chief executive of MPC, a fund manager, says that American pension funds have analysed their liabilities.
基金经理,MPC的首席主管Peter Harrison说道美国的养老金基金已经研究了他们的债务。
States have more leeway, but many will have to pump more money into their pension funds to offset losses on the market.
He says failure to act quickly could cause the failure of more Banks, a drop in the stock market and losses in pension funds.
One of the things they need to be doing with some of this cash is shoring up their pension funds that are currently under-funded.
In the 1990s, many pension funds made far too big a bet on equities, a gamble that went disastrously wrong in the 2000-02 bear market.
在上个世纪90年代,很多的养老金基金在股票上下的赌注太大,简直就是一场豪赌,在2000 - 02年的熊市中他们则损失惨重。
The second study** looks at traditional fund managers, those who run mutual funds and stockmarket portfolios on behalf of pension funds.
By the time the second fund was established, more cautious investors, such as pension funds and Banks, were prepared to put money into it.
As a result, global pension funds, insurers, and Banks are dumping Spanish and Italian bonds, threatening to drive rates to ruinous levels.
Now, we've got a mechanism at the federal level that provides a certain percentage backup or guarantee for these pension funds if they fail.