I'll pop back into town.
I'll pop back and tell you the results.
Then, pop back to the original matrix and draw the gray square.
When the display goes black, press Enter and the display will pop back up.
It might help but if the database is too damaged, it might just pop back to suspect again.
Could it ever be possible to pop back in time and stop bad things from happening and good people from dying?
My right was worse because it would pop out and pop back in like from the Mel Gibson days in Lethal Weapon 2.
And maybe after a couple of months, if their stress levels are going up, maybe pop back in and remind them of what it was.
Also, as it appears in the picture above, as soon as the lava exits the FFD box, it will pop back to its unmodified position.
We can go years without chatting, then I’ll pop back into the city and call them to meet up — that’s sort of the way it’s been for a long time now.
We can go years without chatting, then I'll pop back into the city and call them to meet up - that's sort of the way it's been for a long time now.
Initial reports from the local hospital in Larnaca suggest there were complications, as the medical staff could not get the shoulder to pop back in.
Whenever we need to use one of the variables, you pop back into PHP mode and issue an echo statement to write the variable's value directly into the Web page text.
At sunset, the Sun would drop below the horizon, then pop back up into view before resuming its normal course, ultimately setting again for a second time within a week.
The hunter pads into a back room pop, open a freezer and reveal the goods: four gnarled and frozen paws.
In transforming from acoustic folkie to electrified rocker, a process begun in earnest on side one of 1965's Bring It All Back Home, Dylan rewrote the rulebook for pop music.
As you navigate through the application you build a stack of activities that you can then pop out of by using the back button on the phone.
The list of directories ACTS like a stack — you push a directory onto the top of the stack, and pop a directory off the top again to get it back.
Once that request reaches the server with that address, it responds by sending a new Web page that bounces back around the Internet to pop up on the user's browser.
Unsatisfied with our own performance, we double down on losing trades in the hopes a small pop will put us' back to even. '.
When each of the other elements are parsed, you pop the Employee object off the stack, call the relevant set function, and push the object back on to the stack.
However, the key thing holding Wolfram Alpha back from being a Google-killer is its lack of support for more traditional searches such as pop culture references.
然而,阻止Wolfram Alpha成为一个Google杀手的关键是它缺乏对更为传统的搜索如流行文化的支持等。
British pop-soul singer Amy Winehouse earned six nominations, including Best New Artist, Record of the Year and Song of the Year for her hit "Rehab," and Album of the Year for Back to Black.
英国流行乐歌手艾米·怀恩豪斯获得了六项提名,包括最佳年度新人提名、年度最佳唱片提名和因她的单曲《Rehab》获得最佳年度单曲提名,因《Back to Black》获得年度最佳专辑提名。
After performing actions in a pop-up window, focus back to the main window.
Larry's plan was to float about 10 meters above his backyard, enjoy a few hours in the air, and then pop some balloons with his gun to get back down.
They can pop in on their private jet, get a pricey hotel room and fly back home within hours.
Peek-a-boo pop-ups (lower back): Lie face down on the floor using your outstretched arms to support baby in front of you.
Back in the early 80s, pop music was like a dead, catchy, rehash of 70's disco, but with short guitar solos or heavy reliance on synthesizers.