Life expectancies throughout the Caribbean and some Central American nations will drop into the 60s by 2010 when they would otherwise have been in the 70s without AIDS.
Drop into His arms of love.
When you need to drop into Globish, you can.
Seemed oneself to imperceptibly drop into a scheme inside.
You cannot drop out of school and just drop into a good job.
It is a beautiful white rock, but a steep drop into the ocean.
Marian was soon snoring, but Izz did not drop into forgetfulness for a long time.
Donors drop into telecoms centres to send e-mails, but also to swap stories and gossip.
When you type in "erl", you will drop into the interactive prompt, where you can type commands.
输入 "erl" 时,会进入交互式提示,可以在这里输入命令。
You torrent the file, drop into into DoubleTwist (or another media management app) and sync.
你分流文件,把它丢进DoubleT wist(或者随便一个媒体管理程序),然后同步。
They are ready for you to drag and drop into the navigation tree of a solution information project.
Drop into His arms of love. Let Him catch you and support you when you have nowhere else to go.
If the brakes are kept in the same position, the canopy will drop into a faster negative spin.
After you've taken this step, you'll see a new activity that you can drag and drop into your flow.
To do this, create a file called robot.txt to drop into your Web server's root directory. In the robot.txt.
要进行划分,请创建一个名为robots . txt的文件,并将该文件拉入到Web服务器的根目录下。
However, traders in the physical oil market said supplies were now beginning to drop into balance with falling demand.
So clear, does not pass through the filter one one into your ears, like winter rain, a drip drop into your heart.
Any service that you create becomes a component that you can drop into an assembly diagram (see the next section).
It is a series of reusable client-side components that you can practically drag and drop into your own application.
Rain down the grass stems roll down, a drop of drill into the earth, and a drop into the grass mouth, can not find.
If it did, planetary orbits would be disrupted, causing the Earth to drop into the sun or be tossed out into deep space.
In the Psych Ward basement, the cons open the access hatch and drop into the tunnels that will lead them to the infirmary.
So he went and began to fell a tree at the edge of the river, and presently contrived to let his axe drop into the water.
If you want to use the business service, there are a number of levels at which you can drag and drop into the business model.
Her father was worried about her. Consequently, he said to her daughter: "Holding my hand, so you would not drop into the river."
The SWC file (which is what a developer would download and drop into a Flex project) integrates directly with the web services layer.
Small landslides constantly add to the steep rubble slopes along the lake's shore, and large boulders periodically drop into the lake.
This is great for collecting statistics that you can then drop into another program to do deep analysis on, generate reports on, and so on.