From the very beginning, IDEO has been a culture that starts with questions.
Yet at Apple and IDEO, Professor Hargadon had experienced breakthroughs emerging from brainstorming.
The Vision 2020 project with IDEO was a great success and encouraged Eastman to grow its design focus.
Today I just want to tell a simple story about how we got to design thinking, and the role it plays at IDEO.
On the other hand, Chinese character is also ideo-phonographic writing, for it is formed of the symbol of idea and the symbol of phonograph.
The surgeons attended a 1. 5 - day workshop in laparoscopic surgery, which uses ideo technology to help doctors operate through a small incision.
这些外科医生参加了为期1 。 5天的腹腔镜手术进修班,运用影像技术帮助医生通过小切口进行手术。
So to start off with I want to give you a very quick scan of my 20 year story as a designer and my experience of going from design to design thinking at IDEO.
I did a little audit recently looking at just those categories of projects that I showed a little earlier - how much of our time at IDEO are we spending on these things?
Even today, many creative hotbeds exist around the world, in new ventures and in a few more established shops like MIT's Media Lab, SONY, the design firm IDEO, and Disney's Pixar.
甚至今天,许多创造新的温床存在于全世界,新的企业和一些新成立的商店像麻省理工学院媒体实验室,SONY, IDEO设计公司和迪斯尼的皮克斯。
San Francisco-based Emotiv Systems worked with the IDEO design group to develop the Epoc, a headset that enables you to play video games by monitoring electrical activity in your brain.
There will certainly need to be powerful authentication techniques to ensure that phones can only be used by their legitimate owners, says mat Hunter of IDEO, an international design firm.
And the shift from design, where the emphasis is only on the output, to design thinking, where the emphasis is also on the act or the process, that's been the catalyst for change for us at IDEO.
In addition to producing intuitive and beautiful objects, Ideo USES its well-honed design process to tackle urgent and highly complex problems such as security, water scarcity and global poverty.