Modifying the dynamic linker search path.
At runtime, the application loads the dynamic linker.
The dynamic linker then gets to do all the fun work.
Linking: Invoke a separate program called the linker.
The corresponding linker name would be /usr/lib/
其相应的 linker name 是 /usr/lib/ 。
Clients using this library refer to it using the linker name.
客户所使用的库名是指linker name。
The linker will take care of converting this to point to the correct code.
These object files are linked and loaded by a file known as a linker script.
I'm talking high level here. Syntax errors and linker problems need not apply.
An IDE can vastly blur the lines between editor, compiler, linker, and debugger.
Use the -l and -l linker options to help the linker locate the Xerces-C + + library.
用链接器选项- l和- l以帮助链接器找到Xerces - c++库。
You can set a linker search path in an executable, and there are two ways to do it.
Not included in the release is the Mono Linker which is used to reduce executable size.
没有包含在此次发布中的是Mono Linker,它用于降低可执行文件的尺寸。
The effectiveness of aligned attributes, however, is limited by inherent linker limitations.
For example, if the dynamic linker can't find a given library, it will abort loading the program.
The linker tries to resolve functions and variables by searching in the various libraries for the code.
The dynamic linker can do a fair amount of work for each function linked, so most linkers are lazy.
The linker sorts through references to symbols, making notes about in which libraries they were found.
Your Toolchain: You must know the behavioral details of your compiler, assembler, linker, and make utility.
The first thing to do was just to put the compiler and linker in 64-bit mode; the gcc manual covers this.
我们要做的第一件事情是将编译器和链接器换成 64 位模式;gcc 手册会介绍这个问题。
If this is not done, the linker would treat the names as labels rather then as arguments and will report an error.
Using the –lodbc flag instructs the linker to add the ODBC library to the executable, as shown in Listing 16.
使用 –lodbc 标志会告诉链接器将 ODBC 库添加到可执行文件中,如清单 16 中所示。
The dynamic linker is controlled through /etc/, which contains a list of directories to search by default.
通过 /etc/ 控制动态链接器,该文件包含默认搜索路径的列表。
By setting this variable, the linker assumes that a 2.4 kernel is running along with the older LinuxThreads model.
For instance, if the linker command you're using is wrong, you might get programs that link correctly but don't run.
To link this into executables, you need to enable both the compile-time linker and the run-time dynamic linker to find it.
Other tools can be used such as Watcom, Borland tools and Visual Studio but have specific linker requirements in most cases.
其他可以用的工具是Watcom, Borland, Visual Studio,不过这些编译器,在大部分情况下需要专门的链接器。
cross linker