In addition compound 1 was acetylated, then a kind of all acetylated derivative was obtained. It was important for the study on the relation of structure-activity.
In addition, increases in system complexity over time, tight development schedules that force poor design decisions, and lack of system documentation can compound the problem.
Conclusion: FCHA polishing Compound has local desensitization for teeth in addition to polishing effectiveness.
Also particularly explains the superior characteristics, fabrication process and installation of the compound air duct, in addition, analyzes the economic feasibility of the substitute project.
Material for iron runner is primarily based on aluminum-carbon compound material. It is a high-grade refractory with good resistance to corrosion and scouring by addition of boule and silicon carbide.
Metal compound, catalyst component and polyaddition catalyst, and method for preparing addition polymer.
In addition to its compound eyes, the mantis has three small ocelli - simple eyes used primarily as light sensors, which probably assist with stability in flight.
Preparation process of colloidal silica coating and compound shell making technology are introduced. In addition, the application results has been analyzed briefly.
The results showed that the addition of compound enzyme could evidently advance alcohol fermentation.
The addition sequence, addition and long effectiveness of the compound modifier were investigated.
By addition of compound additives made of some cheap components, the production cost of melamine water reducing agent is greatly decreased so that the spread and application value increases.
The subsiding and substratification problems of product were solved with addition of 0.1% agar and 0.35% Cmc-Na as compound stabilizer and homogenization at high-pressure.
The addition of compound anti-freezing admixture is the vital technique in the process of manufacturing durable negative temperature concrete.
Meanwhile, due to the small addition amount of the derivative, the unit cost to use of the type of compound in various products is greatly reduced.
The addition of hydrogen to another compound, usually an unsaturated organic compound.
In addition, both the working process of compound die and questions required attention are stated.
A lower generation dendritic compound was synthesized from ethylenediamine and iso-octyl acrylate by Michael addition in methanol without catalyst.
Monophyletic compound glutaraldehyde disinfectant needs no activation and addition of corrosion inhibitor during use.
Methods:93 cases were randomly divided into 3 groups, use microwave addition warts, treatment group were treated in compound purslane tablet;
The morphology of niobium compound of the gray iron with less than 1.2% of niobium addition and its influences on the structure and hardness were investigated.
The compound membrane craft's application, causes the humidity resistance to be better, in addition the reasonable design, fine clear printing, make your product to be changed beyond recognition.
But the strain under compound condition is not only simply addition of that under random vibration and thermal cycling load condition.
In addition, the structure of the compound in the crystal state was obtained.
In addition, 25 PHR of cold resistant plasticizer (dibutyl phthalate 10 PHR; dioctyl sebacate 15 PHR) were added into NBR compound to improve th.
In addition, compound a can effectively shorten the growth cycle of E. coli.