Long is Britain's best-known Land Artist and his Stone Circle, a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor, represents the elegant, rarefied side of the form.
This stone circle in Cumbria is an impressive pre historic monument in Britain.
The stone circle is said to date back to 3200 BC and is a vision in itself.
Then he knelt before the stone circle and whispered, Ashes, can you help me?
The stone circle was constructed in a number of stages over hundreds of years.
It was probably constructed around the same time as the stone circle some 4, 500 years ago.
He was placed in a simple grave alongside an amber necklace just a mile from the stone circle.
In Littledale you will try out your basic herding skills by penning your flock in a stone circle.
Wiltshire is the home of Stonehenge and an even more extensive stone circle in the village of Avebury.
For the artist, puts a thin frame on the grass in Ashton Park, Bristol; and places a stone circle further down.
There is a wide stone circle and on the mouth of the well. There are many handle's bamboo tubes. So that students ladle up water.
Wiltshire includes the Avebury Stone Circle, Salisbury Plain, and Stonehenge, as well as nine white chalk horses carved into hillsides.
Hundreds of people gathered at the famous historic stone circle to celebrate the sunrise closest to the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.
That exposed foot on the ground directly to the bottom line of the mountain to start stepping stone circle, the rockery is like putting on the ground like.
Kids of all ages love interesting places: acres of grounds to explore; maybe features such as a labyrinth or a stone circle or two; even the possibility of spotting wildlife.
Thousands of New Agers and neo-pagans danced and whooped in delight Monday as a bright early morning sun rose above the ancient stone circle Stonehenge, marking the summer solstice.
Look through her eyes (thinking, this woman hasn't met you yet; you're hardly out of Texas) at the gray monument, the horses there in stone, where pigeons whirl up and circle.
Happiness is like a stone dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening, circle of ripples. As Stevenson has said, being happy is a duty.
I could not see the boy, and there was nothing else in that lonely place Beneath me on the other side of the hill was a circle of old stone huts.
When a tadpole came into the circle, I blocked the entrance with a stone. Secondly, I kept looking for the tadpole in the water.
Stone arrowheads carved by early inhabitants of the Sahara are laid out in a neat circle atop that desert's sands.
Now, the 50,000-seat stone-and-concrete amphitheater serves Rome in another capacity: as a traffic circle.