Wich the help of his teacher and classmates, Peter has made good progress.
W: if I remember correctly, time of delivery is another point on wich we differ.
Step 15 With Pen Tool I will create this arrow wich it will act as an selector for navigation.
On earlier versions of AIX, you only get P6 compatibility mode performance, wich is up to 30% performance penalty.
在AIX的早期版本中,只能使用P 6兼容模式的性能,其中性能差距最大为30%。
The handles of the shopping bag are made of transparent fishing line, wich makes it look like it is being held without handles.
He can order a guilty party to compensate its victim with cash, a practice known as wich pur, “dry debt”, or he can order the two parties to exchange women, or lund pur, “wet debt”.
他可以裁定有罪一方向受害者赔偿现金,这种方式被称为“wich pur[font=宋体]”,即“干债务”(dry debt[font=宋体]);或者他可以要求双方交换女人,被称为“lund pur[font=宋体]”,即“湿债务”(wet debt[font=宋体])。
On motorways you can. at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater pan of the journey is spent on narrow. bumpy roads which are crowded wich traffic.