This offloads the overhead of taking a backup on the production database.
The check box, enable disk offloads, enables storing of some entries on the hard drive.
复选框“Enable disk offloads”启用在硬盘上存储某些条目。
The instrumentation in this example offloads the status Web page display to a different server.
这个例子中的监测工具将状态 Web 页面的显示卸载到另一台不同的服务器上。
This offloads much of the work from your local machine while still giving you seamless access to the application server in the AMI.
这可以很大程度地将负载从您的本地主机卸掉,同时仍然允许您无缝地访问 AMI 中的应用程序服务器。
It not only offloads your own WTE, but you can also improve the build time so that fewer Numbers of artifacts are added to the workspace.
This offloads some of the work that developers would otherwise need to do, such as writing scripts or bat files to launch or configure an application.
It offloads the read queries and stored procedures which perform "Select" by dynamically caching in-memory result sets, thereby reducing read response time and overall database load.
Amazon RDS offloads from the customer's staff a number of routine MySQL maintenance operation tasks. It begins with hands-off database computing resources scalability, and performance monitoring.
Amazon RDS使得客户员工减少了很多MySQL的运维任务,有了它,数据库计算资源的可扩展性和性能监测都无需人为的干涉。