In mass production, where mating parts must be interchangeable, unilateral tolerances are customary.
The sum of the parts of the mating parts is less than or equal to the allowable deviation of the assembly.
Secondly, it is used as a method of obtaining very close fits between mating parts such as pistons and cylinders.
Proper torquing avoids elastic separation of the mating parts under load and resists gradual loosening over time.
It is the minimum clearance space intended between mating parts and represents the condition of tightest permissible fit.
Hexagon thin nuts are also called Hexagon jam nuts. They are often used when there is spacial limitation on the mating parts.
Fretting damage exists on tightly mating parts at large, which is one of the disaster reason making components and parts fail.
To have an interference or force fit between mating parts, the tolerances must be such as to create a zero or negative allowance.
Does the supplier understand the critical nature of dimensions that interface with the customer's application of their mating parts?
Fits can range from free running or sliding, where a certain amount of clearance, exists between mating parts, to press or interference fits where parts are forced together under pressure.
配合可分为结合件间有自由转动或滑动从而需要具有一定间隙量的间隙配合以及结合件需要紧密压靠一起 的压配合或过盈配合。
All mating threaded parts are made of dissimilar, non - galling metals.
When mating with other parts, this melt filter can be used not only in PET melt but also in the...
When mating with other parts, this melt filter can be used not only in PET melt but also in the filter of o...
Tolerances for press fits can become very critical because parts can be easily damaged by attempting to press fit them if there is an excessive difference in their mating dimensions.
对于压配合来说,对公差极为挑剔,因为如果结合件的配合尺寸相差过大的的话,那么在试图强行压配到 一块时极易将其损坏。