Every new research breakthrough that helps reduce human suffering is another that serves primarily to add to that suffering .
The breakthrough for research into intersexual selection came in the development of a new technique for investigating female response in the laboratory.
To make the breakthrough, a team of physicists at IBM Research Zurich in Switzerland and the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom used a device called a scanning tunneling microscope (STM).
"This could be the breakthrough we've been looking for on clean cars," said David Friedman, research director of the clean vehicle program at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
A traditional childhood pastime could provide a breakthrough in renewable energy, after successful experiments in flying a giant kite at one of Europe's top research centres.
"This research represents a breakthrough in the field of hydrogen storage and has significant practical applications," said Dr. Gene Peterson, leader of the Chemistry Division at Los Alamos.
Los Alamos国家试验室的Gene Peterson博士表示:“这项研究是氢能存储领域的一次重大突破,具有显著的实用意义。”
Professor Daniel Sessler from the Cleveland Clinic in the United States is one of the authors of the study. He says the research is a considerable scientific breakthrough.
这项研究报告的撰稿人之一美国克利夫兰诊所的Daniel Sessler教授说,该研究结果取得了重要的科学突破。
The DOE team hopes this breakthrough in understanding will similarly open the floodgates on superconductor research, culminating in room temperature materials that move power with no loss of energy.
IBM, operator of the world's largest company-owned laboratory, says a breakthrough in physics research will lead to faster, cheaper and higher capacity data storage.
Google modestly believes it may have achieved "a first in robotics research," but if the claims it makes are true, it has achieved a once-in-a-generation breakthrough.
It's 1908. Henri Poincare - another scientist - decides to make it his business to research how others come up with their creative breakthrough ideas.
If there was a breakthrough moment, it came in 2004, after our first research participant, Matt, had the sensor implanted.
如果要说出一个突破的话,那是在2004年,我们的第一个研究参与者matt ~ ~植入了传感器。
Modern lexicology , specially the modern glossary semantics breakthrough tradition glosseme study studying range, looking the glosseme as one of its research objects.
You might think that research upending that conclusion would immediately be celebrated as an important breakthrough.
The breakthrough study by Cambridge University's autism research centre has followed 235 children from birth to the age of eight.
The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.
They say this is a major breakthrough in cancer research.
It turns out that he had spent 20 years on his research before he made this wonderful breakthrough, and he is the first faculty member of his university to receive the Nobel Prize.
The first report includes Chinese scientists' recent discoveries, such as the breakthrough in the research field of new particle and H7N9 virus.
We have already, through biotechnology research, made a breakthrough in HIV diagnostic kits.
A major breakthrough has been achieved in cancer research.
Olando's breakthrough brand creative, marketing and design program only be placed on file after comprehensive research, analysis and strategic thinking of each of our clients.
She desires for a breakthrough in her research.
The scientists have made a breakthrough in cancer research.
Combining with the experiment result, we examine the calculation, and call up the foundation research for the breakthrough of key technology.
Locates for this discipline, establishes the new discipline system and the discipline model, has become the Chinese philosophy history research area to realize the overall breakthrough crucial step.
And narrate by preamble place, it is Chinese Internet not just actually, global Internet needs to there is big breakthrough on technology and research and development.