This article analyzed price discount and adjustment in FIDIC contract clause.
FIDIC is an experts management system which takes consulting engineer as the center.
FIDIC is the International Federation of Consulting Engineers of the French acronym.
When it comes to Risk and Insurance, we have made a number of changes to the traditional FIDIC approach.
涉及到风险和保险,我们作了不同于传统的FIDIC 方法的几点变化。
It is expected that the findings of the research will contribute to a deeper understanding of FIDIC Conditions.
Abstract: FIDIC contract is the most popular contract conditions widely used by the oversea engineering projects.
FIDIC conditions need to be adjusted and adapt continuously to cater for new emerging requirement arising from market.
There are bigger differences between the FIDIC construction contract and the traditional construction contract in China.
Drawing the contractor claims process flow chart, according to the claims procedure provided by contract FIDIC conditions.
FIDIC Conditions of Contract is more and more known in China, but there are not so many persons who actually dealt with it.
The construction contract FIDIC conditions of the application of the provisions dealing with changes in the project briefing.
FIDIC league constitutes and promulgates many files of criterion, which are applied in international engineering project area.
FIDIC contract, which is one kind of standardized contract management means, has been accepted widely in international community.
It 's known that, FIDIC is an international famous consulting engineer organization. It's built in 1913 and have 106 members now.
The version in English of the Conditions is considered by FIDIC as the official and authentic text for the purpose of translation.
本条件的英文版本, FIDIC已将其作为正式的和有效的语言文本,以用于翻译之目的。
With the comparison between the provisional sums in FIDIC and the other item bill, this paper sets up a number of recommendations.
FIDIC article is contract article of civil engineering construction enacted by International Consultation engineer Associated Union.
The article briefly introduces the FIDIC organization, characteristic of FIDIC provision, its application and popularization in China.
A introduction to the basic rule in WTO and related contents in FIDIC and analysis to the relations between WTO and Chinese building industry.
But where FIDIC contract differs from traditional contract theories is that force majeure doesn't pass for an excuse free from responsibility.
The thesis takes functional grammar as the theoretical backup and investigates the interpersonal function of modality system in FIDIC Conditions.
Through analyzing the example, this paper stated how to do the claim compensation in the international hydraulic engineering contract by the FIDIC.
Under FIDIC condition of contract, the project progress control mainly includes project progress management, project delay and project extension stipulation.
FIDIC is taking this work very seriously and we value your thoughts and input - and who better to answer your questions than the authors of the new document.
Comparing with the valuation clause of FIDIC contract and NEC contract, it is studied on establishing our country's contract terms under the new valuation mode.
Also, cases in practice validate the feasibility that FIDIC conditions integrate with the model of project contract management in International Engineering project.
Using risk management theory, some problems of identifying project risk and assessing the risk prevention and risk control for the contracts under the FIDIC are presented.
FIDIC has chosen to produce a document based on the DBO green field scenario, with a guide containing guidelines on the changes necessary to cover a brown field arrangement.