There are many lambs capering on the meadow.
The horse was capering along.
The lambs were capering in the fields.
羊羔 在地里欢快地跳跃。
There are many lambs capering in the meadow.
The lambs were capering about in the fields.
I like to watch my dogs capering here and there.
Tell me!" repeated Pearl, no longer seriously, but laughing, and capering about the floor.
告诉我!” 珠儿一再喊着,这次不再板着面孔,而是笑出了声,还在地上跳着脚。
The boy was Capering dersively, with obscene unambiguous gestures, before a party of English tourists.
Missing you, is the capering of my fingers on the keyboard that are typing my flying miss flowing through my heart and growing into a note that is swinging up and down in the air.
The past few weeks have produced a capering procession of well-known men caught with their trousers down, while their wives are photographed with swollen eyes hidden behind fashionable shades.
Little Pearl's unwonted mood of sentiment lasted no longer; she laughed, and went capering down the hall, so airily, that old Mr. Wilson raised a question whether even her tiptoes touched the floor.